How long will it take

Discussion in 'General' started by terradactyl, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. for me to become un-addicted to marijuana?

    im stopping for now, until i can continue in moderation and not abuse it.
    every time i try to stop tho, the addiction pulls me back. "im done for good after this blunt"......."alright maybe one more bowl"....."after this weekend im definitely done, i just need to go out big"

    i just want to know how long this feeling will stick with me?
  2. As long as you let it.
  3. If you don't have'll be fine. Just try to stay away from the weed while you're trying to stop for a while.

    I tried to give it up for Lent, and I did the same thing you did. I had weed sitting right next to me, how the hell was I supposed to not smoke it lol.

    If you're trying to stop, your want for weed won't be so bad that you'll make the effort to go buy some. Just give the weed you have now to a friend to keep until you want to smoke again.

    It's not addiction though, its dependence.
  4. I don't know, dude. I do know that it will be harder for you to stop smoking if you have anything around that reminds you of it. Pack up all your pieces, posters, lighters (unless you smoke tobacco of course) and put it out of sight. That will help.

    I guess I don't know from experience because i have not successfully quit at any point. :( I would say, however, that the chemical will work itself fully out of your system in 30 to 45 days depending on how much you have smoked in the past. My rule of thumb now is that I only smoke marijuana when offered it by my friends (doesn't happen as often when you have college classes and a job to maintain!) and I bake firecrackers other times.
  5. #5 terradactyl, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2009
    true. mind over matter. my mind is weak tho

    and no, it is an addiction, a mental addiction

    and as for not being around it...
    my friends are the stoner jocks. its what we do. or they do now, so its hard to be the only sober one around. i need to stop tho
  6. If you're worried you're going to get back into the habit of smoking again and have any weed lying around, I will gladly take it off yours or anyone else's hands. Just a suggestion. :)
  7. Uhh yeah. You just defined dependence dude. Addiction= physical

  8. If your friends are really your friends then they will leave you alone and realize that if you don't smoke it means more for all of them! And when you insist it's an addiction you're totally setting yourself up to fail. Change the way you think and you will change the way you behave. You can do it. Just be more positive and keep telling yourself that no one can make you smoke except for yourself ... so you totally have the power to overcome this!

  9. ad⋅dic⋅tion   [uh-dik-shuhn]
    the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

    and it says that this has to be solely physical where?
    if you want to argue over word-semantics then you can leave, please.

    and its not that my friends push it on me, its me. my mind is weak when i see something that i like, i.e being high, i want it. i just need to get used to being around high people while being sober
  10. Ok, you got me on my incorrect definition of addiction, but really, you were the one that argued with me first. I hate people that pull that shit like they weren't the one that started the argument.

    Dependence is a form of addiction, there. We're both right. Damn, maybe you're having trouble quitting because you're so bitter.

  11. i dont give a fuck why you think im having trouble quitting, if you dont have an answer to my question, then vamoose!

    and just to settle this, you started it with this remark
  12. OH...fuck. That's the second time I've been wrong today. My bad...again.
  13. no worries manng
  14. Physically, it is impossible to become addicted to marijuana, due to it having not physically addictive properties. People can latch on mentally to anything though. As long as you allow yourself to be drawn to it, this will last. You have to make a concious decision to quit when you need to. This is your best option, and it's not a tough route at all.

    May I ask why you are looking to quit?
  15. i feel my mind becoming duller, not as quick as it once was, i have to think about little trivial things, im forgetting stuff a lot more. misplacing my keys, forgetting what i was thinking about/what i was about to do.
    and i dont like that, not one bit.
  16. 15 days.;)

    Like everyone else said it's all up to you.

    Or you could substitute with another drug. Amphetamines will make your mind a little sharper!:p
  17. hahah im thinking about going to the gym everytime i feel like smoking. ill get huge in like a week, being at the gym constantly hahah
  18. Haha good call. You'll be buff as shit instead of fat from high munchies. I lost so much weight on my t-break :hello:

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