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How long will it take for my hearing to go back to normal after smoking too much?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by LadyLove, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. I smoked a lot of kush two days ago and the night that I smoked it, I had the worst experience of my LIFE.

    My head was spinning and I could barely see. My body felt like it was overheating and my ears/head starting ringing EXTREMELY loudly. It sounded like a high pitch smoke-alarm, and the hotter my body got, the louder it was. My blood pressure felt like it was through the roof and I hallucinated a few times about being roasted on top of a fire because my back literally felt like it was on fire. I felt like I was going to die. :confused:

    It took me 24 hours to come down from the high but my ears are still ringing. It's not as loud as before but it still wakes me up at night.

    I was diagnosed with tinnitus a couple of years ago after taking too much aspirin but the ringing eventually became unnoticeable and I thought it went away.

    I smoke all the time and this has never happened. The only difference is I've never smoked that much kush that quickly before, but I have smoked that much reg before.

    How long will it take for my hearing to go back to normal?
    And can anyone recommend a strain of weed that won't upset my tinnitus in the future?
  2. I've never heard of that happening to anyone my guess would be its not the bud...but I'm no expert

  3. You got some laced weed, probably angel dust.
  4. The only other change is that I switched from blunt wraps to regular-sized rolling paper, and I was in a hurry, so I smoked about a gram in less than 3 minutes. I don't think it was laced because I've been friends with my dealer since we were in middle school, and I don't think she would do that to me..... on purpose.
  5. kidding? clearly from smoking too much until he was on the verge of passing out
  6. Yeah dude I pass out sometimes when i toke and this is what it sounds like. Does everything get like really yellow/contrasted? I mean its just that your body cant take it and you got sick, same as if you had a 12 pack to yourself. Just smoke slower/easier and youll be fine

  7. Yea, I guess I should not have listened to the people who kept telling me that "you can never get TOO high" off of weed. Apparently, I can. :eek:

    And I don't remember things becoming yellow/contrasted. However, I do remember everything getting dark at times as if I was going blind, but I could've been closing my eyes and not realizing it, because whenever I decided to see somethin, I COULD SEE It's hard to explain.

    I'm mostly concerned with whether or not this ringing in my head is permanent. I'm afraid that I've really fucked myself up. It's been three days already.
  8. MJ never does that.. The only instance I've heard is people puking after puffing too much. Your bud is probably laced.
  9. Why the fuck are people saying it's laced, it wasn't this just happens when you smoke too much and your blood pressure gets too high, I've experienced something similar OP, it'll go away soon just wait it out
  10. I'm not a scientist OP. However, what you are describing, has been described to me over the years by a handful of people. Normally, this happens, in my experience, when you get drunk first, and then get high. You wanna be high when you start drinking. I don't know if this is scientifically true, but I'm saying that coulda been the case. When you say you smoked a lot, how much did you smoke?
  11. that's happened to me before but when I was still new to smoking pot and once when I smoked way too much spice :( FUCK spice!! Next time just take it slow, and wait and see how you feel after a few hits
  12. You can tell if it's laced if it lasts either a short time or really long time and in your case 24 hours is a VERY long time so something foreign was in it for sure

  13. I hope not but I seriously don't think it was.

    Yea, my blood pressure felt like it was through the roof. Hopefully your right b/c this ringing is driving me crazy. Thanks

    I definitely didn't drink anything but thats good to know. I smoked about a gram of kush in regular-sized joint paper. Normally I smoke less and spread it out through a blunt wrap but I was in a hurry so I decided to just down it.

    Will do! Lol.. thanks

    Geez.. I hope not. I've been friends with my supplier since we were 12. I'll have ask her where she got it.

    Thanks everyone. Good to know I'm not alone!
  14. Stranger things have happened on sunnier days..

    Bunch of weird shit has happened to me hahah.
  15. had it before, everything was reaaalllyy loud and i felt like shit... I layed down for 30 minutes and closed my eyes, just relaxed and tada I felt great... maybe its not the weed's fault your ears were ringing though, the bud just allowed you to hear it
  16. Ouch, try seeing a doctor at least you'll have an answer or hopefully you will
  17. Never understood how people have these bad experiences with JUST bud. I've smoked hundreds of dollars of weed with friends on birthdays in addition to shrooms or alcohol and enjoyed every minute of it. My advice would be just chill out and stop worrying about shit.
  18. Hi, i am 20 years old,
    I smoked weed for the first time 5 days ago. i had also had a few beers. while i was sitting down i started to see dots. so i decided to go to the bathroom. as i stood up it felt like i lost all blood to my head. i went blind and my ears were ringing bad. i sat down i just concentrated on my breathing. this lasted for 1-2 minutes. i got back up and went back to my friends they were all fine and didn't have this problem. i don't have any heart problems or blood pressure problems.
    It is now 5 days later and i still have a ringing in my ears. i asked an online doctor who said "The half life of some of the metabolites of marijuana is 20 hrs, however some of the break down products can have a half life of 10 to 13 days."
    "The prolonged half life is the reason that you are still experiencing some of the symptoms."
    Although i don't feel this is the cause. feel like the cause was the lack of oxygen to my brain.
    i am still quite worried and have booked an appointment with the doctor.
    I was wondering if anyone else had had this and if so how long does the ringing last. I hope i haven't given my self Tinnitus.
  19. Why'd you smoke so much kush? Did you smoke al the kush? Where did you get all this kush. KUSH KUSH KUSH
  20. what I cant hear you speak louder, my ears are ringing after taking aspirin and smoking some presidential

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