How long until ur plants start smelling

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Cataclismic, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Just wondering. I rub my plant today to wipe off my soap spider mite killer and my fingers smell like weed but I don't smell it outside my growbox
  2. My plants have started to smell, their at about 1 month veg
  3. I started to notice the smell at week 3 from sprout, it just keeps getting stronger. :smoking:
  4. If you're feeding them right, you'll start noticing it around 3-4 weeks.
  5. eh I'm gonna need to get to work on getting some odor eliminating gel or something. I have a dryer sheet over my exhaust. Will that get the job done until tommorow or tuesday?
  6. Is it that bad? I don't usually need my scrubber until 3-4 weeks into flowering
  7. No I can't smell it outside my growbox but I'm naturally cautious and worried. Also I don't want the chance of me coming home and my whole home smells like weed. I get told my room always smells weird (Even before growing) but I think it would be able to tell the difference between dirty clothes (possibly. imo my room smells fine) and weed

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