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How Long Until Tolerance Builds Up?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LonelyStatue, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Hey GC. I have a tolerance problem that was bothering me for quite a while now. I started smoking about 6 months ago and from then smoked regularly, three to four times a week. For the past 2 months though, I started to smoke up a lot more, probably everyday and I've been noticing my tolerance increase exponentially. Is this normal?
    I remember couple of months back when I got high off of two three tokes from a joint but now, I barely feel anything even if I smoke a whole joint myself. I keep telling myself it's impossible because there are a lot of people who'd been smoking for much longer than I am who still get higher than me but I don't know. I smoked up with my friends today and I was so jealous when one of them started tripping hard :mad:. Is my tolerance buildup abnormal? What should I do to counter this?
    Thanks in advance!:smoke:
  2. well the best way would be to stop smoking for a little bit...
    but if you dont wanna do that you could smoke less for a while, maybe change up the way you consume it

    everybodys tolerance is different... and maybe your friend is trying to make you jealous because he knows your tolerance is getting up there.
  3. As with nearly any 'drug', over a period of time (depending on your body) you will build up tolerance against marijuana. It varies a lot between body types, it's also good to note that everyone reacts differently.

    From what I can see, you just have built up a good amount of tolerance. This isn't a "tolerance problem."

    To fix it, take a t-break, or at least settle down with how many times you smoke a day, a week, etc.

    Hope this is of some help.
  4. Unfortunately, a tolerance build up comes with regular use of cannabis. What you are experiencing is typical and happens to everyone who smokes regularly. Your body gets used to the cannabis, so it takes more to get high. The best way to beat this is break down your days of smoking and take a day off if possible (so monday, wednesday, friday, sunday or something) so your tolerance isn't as strong. If you like smoking everyday or if you have to smoke everyday for medical reasons, smoking beasters will get you get high much more easily even with a tolerance; that's why medical marijuana is so potent and high in THC.
  5. Of course tolerance build up is normal. Back in the day I would smoke 3-4 grams to myself each day. I was always stoned but it didn't matter how much I smoked I would never get any higher. It's just part of the game.
  6. How long should my break be to go back to the good ol' days?
  7. Try to get a faster metabolism. This is completely just a stoned guy's reasoning but if you have a faster metabolism it will break down the cannabinoids built up in your body so that you'll have a lower tolerance?


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