how long till we've got real-vision movies?

Discussion in 'Movies' started by anchorman0890, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. i was thinkin about this the other day, how much longer does everybody think itll be before we just throw some glasses on and we're actually IN the movie lol. i wanna be able to walk around and see everything from different perspectives, maybe even be able to feel the environment of the movie (explosions, temperature)

    i know this idea is really futuristic but our technology has come so far even since i was a kid that it doesnt seem to unrealistic to think this will exist before i die.

    any thoughts?
  2. when they create the holodeck everyone will be creating holonovels :D
    it will help pass the time when we go where no man has gone befor
  3. i actually thought about this before
    but i dont think ill be alive
  4. it is out of my league.
  5. Well there has been a simulator I have used many years ago. Was more of a game, but I could quite easily see the potential for movies.

    I just did a quick hunt around and compared how fast technology has been growing from it's origins.

    Judging the amount of computational power required to generate a flawless and believable environment, also taking into account multiple choice decisions (seeing as it is human interaction based you will need alternative plots and limiters).

    You'd first need at least an exabyte, if not more (and this would have to be raided or something to increase read/write times). Second, graphics generation in real time would require a graphics card so very powerful. And graphics cards are only now starting to show their potential. Ram amounts would have to be extreme, and the bus even faster. Last (there are other components needed but I am listing the basics here) processor. This one is of least worry as it has shown the greatest increase in speed of most components.

    My quick look told me that we "should" be able to think about generating believable intractable environments within 50~75 years depending on how much research goes into it (and I am not talking glasses here, direct to the brain's nerve stem via implant).

    My thought is for computing power, the brain is perfect to generate it's own reality (like when we dream). If there were a way to tell the brain "Now compute this. Now generate that. Etc." we would leap much quicker into it :smoke:

    I am baked, no idea if my post made sense in the slightest
  6. definitely pretty trippy shit ur talkin about, but interesting nonetheless. i guess ur describing the matrix kinda deal where they link right into ur head? ya idk if i would sign up for that but im sure itll happen one of these days
  7. Uhh, isn't that called real life? :p I could not imagine anything more than that to be honest.

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