how long till seeds go bad

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by superbeastly, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. how long can seeds be stored until the go bad
  2. Dry, dark area. = Years.
  3. You can grow seeds from the 70's with no problems. I've heard of 100% germ rate even. Earlier this season I got a batch of 30 seeds that the person said were several years old and all 30 popped. And they were just sitting on a tray on his coffee table all that time.
  4. my last seeds were gifted to me too, I know for a fact that they had been in my buddy's jar for at least 5 years, finally after years of looking at them I asked him for them and he gave them up, out of 16 seeds all sprouted.
  5. Years upon years if stored right. Almost indef actually even not stored right. They find seeds all over that are older then the United States that are still able to germinate.

    There are doomsday seed vaults granted those are high tech but those seeds in there are there to protect biodiversity and the vaults are designed to last centuries or at least they hope.
  6. But what is the right way to store the seeds?

    Is vacuum bag or vaccum box recommended? Is recommended put they in the refrigerator?
  7. I keep mine in labeled small ziplock type bags and put those in a small plastic container inside the fridge. Just make sure they don't get wet.

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