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How long till I'm clean

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by myl3s, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Yo bro's,
    I smoked and ate some brownies 13 days ago. I weigh around 133lbs give or take. about how long before it isn't in my system anymore? I have to get a job that drug tests and I want to be clean before I apply but I don't want to go through all the detox or fake/not my piss bullshit. so about how long will it be?
  2. 30 days is always the safest best guess
  3. 30 days? damn, good thing I haven't applied yet. I guess thats not so bad. Is there anything to speed it up?
  4. 33.35669 hours.
  5. eat healthy and get plenty of exercise while maintain hydration :D
  6. Alright good. I've been doing that. (minus the eating healthy, I'm poor, I can't afford fresh healthy food, I live off grits, protien supp, fiber bars, and apple cider) But thanks :) That helps

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