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how long is weed in your system

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 57r417k1ll4h, May 25, 2009.

  1. i havent smoked in a month so i know im clean

    but if i were to smoke a blunt right now how long would it be in my system for

    im 5'9" 125 pounds if that helps
  2. 30ish days I think.
  3. isnt it way less if its just one time
  4. o'd say a week if you drink your daily dose of water
  5. One blunt? With plenty of water and exercise I'd say about about 3 days max..
  6. If your BMI is pretty low it gets out fast. Along with if you're excercising a lot, and if you drink a regular ammount of water. Also drinking sour//acidic things like juice, vinegar, things ilke that help (not confirmed, just saw this and have heard this a lot).
  7. It stays in your system until you catch a fish with your bare hands and ride a cow in traffic.

  8. this is very true. i was once on probation and i did this to pass my drug tests

  9. See. A testimony from someone I've never met. It's 100% fool-proof!

  10. yes we have never met before not on this website even
  11. If you drink alot of water, and excersize alot it will get out pretty soon
  12. You'd probably be clean the next day. A friend of mine who was similar to your size took a drug test the day after smoking and he was clean. It all goes by the amount of THC in your system. Like you can have little bits of THC in your system but the tests won't be able to find it.

    So you'll probably be good by the next day if it's just one little gram blunt or something..

    I myself would be what most people call a "stoner" or "pothead", but I don't like those words. I smoke A LOT. well I stopped for just a week and a half drinking a lot of water, pissing a lot, and exercising the first week of detox. The last 3-4 days is when I drank a lot of water.

    So your good I'm sure, like others said probably 3 days max. Just make sure you eat and drink stuff between the time you smoke and the time you take the test.
    If you smoke the blunt and then sit around, not eating or drinking anything it will stay in your system longer.
  13. week max

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