How Long Have You Existed?

Discussion in 'General' started by Mathilda, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. ..Well...?
  2. 19 almost 20 years now.
  3. I've lived for 21 years, but have existed since the forging of the Earth's center.
  4. ive always existed. actually weve all always existed
  5. I suppose if you adhere to the theory of quantum mathematics, we have all always existed, and all never existed at exactly the same time.

    But no. I am genuinely interested in the age range here.
  6. How come?:confused:
  7. my cells come and go

    but the DNA that gets transferred to each new cell?

    almost 21 years

    i wonder if my DNA has ever existed before? there has to be a mathematical equation for that, altho the different combination's of DNA are in the quatrimillions if not more.
    probably a low chance, but if mankind continues to exist, it is probable that my specific combo will come back together and virtually reincarnate me, altho i will not be concious to my previous existence

  8. i happen to be 23
  9. Just am. Don't really know why.
  10. I've managed to survive for 20 years so far.
  11. I am twenty years old.
  12. 23 years. I feel about 16ish quite a bit.
  13. I'll be 18 in six months.

    ...just kidding mods. :eek:

    I'm 19.
  14. Coming up on 19.
  15. hundreds and hundreds of years but 23 in april
  16. 21 but ive been here since gravity
  17. I was thinking the other day that laws requiring you to be a certain age, i.e. 21 to legally drink, should specify that you must be 21 years of age after birth. I mean technically, you exist the second you are conceived imo, but then when it comes to abortion, a fetus after the second trimester is only considered "living".
  18. 23 years :metal: that's right I was made in the 80's
  19. I've been a post-natal fetus for 26 years, 6 months, 5 days. If you count "Existence" from the point of conception, then a little over 27 years, 3 months, 27 days. :)

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