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How Long For 1.5 Grams To Leave Your System?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Doobie Boy, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. So I had smoked about 1.5 grams of pretty dank tree in the last 2 days ( .75 on the first day, .75 on the second ), and I'm about 6'4" and 190 pounds so I'm pretty lean. I plan to naturally flush my body through dairy products and water, and skateboarding ( I probably sweat like a gallon a day if I skate ), I most likely have 1 week or even 2 until I get a 10-panel drug test. How long do you guys think it will take for the bud to finally get out of my system?

  2. #2 smashx420, Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2013
    Provided that's the only weed you've smoked in the last week or two, you should be fine if you have 2 weeks.  If you want to be safe, exercise.
  3. If you were clean before you smoked I would guess that you will be fine. I'd test yourself before going in and obviously don't smoke anymore.
  4. Depends on how dank it was..just smoked my boy down 2 weeks before his po and he was still dirty after exercising and drinking lots of water
  5. honestly, if you never smoke... or hadn't smoked at all previously, you're looking at 5-7 days max, regardless of potency. concerning urine, anyway.
    the following information is provided by a local (USA) drug screening laboratory:

    Drug                                                                   Approximate Detection Time In Urine (*)
    Amphetamines                                                    24 - 48 hours
                Short-Acting (i.g. secobarbital)               1 day
                Long-Acting (i.g. phenobarbital)             2-3 weeks
    Benzodiazepines                                                 3 Days
                Acute dosage of 1-2 'joints'                2-3 days
                Chronic use >5 joints/day                   14-18 days
                Oral Ingestion (20 mg)                         1-5 days

    Cocaine                                                              2-4 days
    Methadone                                                         3 days
    Methaqualone                                                    14 days
    Opiates                                                               2 days
    Phencyclidine                                                     8 days (overdose)
    Propoxyphene                                                    6 hours to 2 days
    (*) Note: Detection times vary depending on analytical method used,
    drug metabolism, patient's condition, fluid intake and method and
    frequency of ingestion. These are general guidelines only.
  6. Kinda sucks that I could do an 8 ball of coke and be clean in a week, or smoke a couple blunts of weed and potentially be dirty for 30+ days...

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