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How long does weed take to hit you?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Openended, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. I just took my first hit ever and it's been 8 min and I feel

  2. instantaneous rate of change from not high to high in 4.20 seconds flat
  3. #43 NewSmoke15, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2016
    With joints and blunts I don't usually feel it for a few minutes after the joint/ blunt is done. With bongs I have to smoke a bowl before I feel anything. And then about halfway through the second bowl I realize that I'm starting to get baked. It takes about 5-10 minutes for me to reach the peak though.
  4. Instantly I feel sensational after I've had my intake period regardless of how I have it
    And by the time i get organized and jump in the shower ,I am really at full bake...

  5. It always hits me within a few seconds of exhaling. The concentrates really hit me. Edibles take longer.

  6. You may have to smoke a few times before the THC rapes your cannebinoid receptors.
  7. Ok I'll give it a few more try's , thx for the info!
  8. Ok, so about 2 hrs after my first hit I had nothing so I had 3 more hits. I could definitely fee l something happening but I just seemed on the verge of getting high. Time slowed, felt heavy and things like that but it seemed barely there. I thought the effects were supposed to be gone after several hours but I'm not sure it didn't mess me up in the long run. Never got the munchies, no cotton mouth, wasn't tired. I felt depressed. I went to bed early cause I hate feeling depressed. Only slept for 5 hours, following day I had little interest in anything and I still felt dumpy. It's 230 in the morning two nights later and I can't sleep. Anyone have any advice for me?
  9. Maybe cannabis isn't for you , if you're are not gaining anything from doing it
  10. Bad (or just not very good) weed? I'd be bummed if that was me. Try a different strain or at least something better than you had the first time I guess.

    Good luck!
  11. It hit me right away regardless of how I smoke.

    In fact, that's part of the reason I stayed away from smoking for so long. It puts me in a weird panicky mode for the first 20 minutes or so. I love the feeling after the 20 minute anxiety meltdown, but I found it not to be worth the price of admission.

    I recently started vaporizing (which actually led me to join here) and I find that it takes a few minutes to hit me and isn't as brutal.

    It's weird, when I was a kid (teens to early 20's) I would rip bongs and blunts like there was no tomorrow.

    Now? If I hit a bong I'd probably end up in a corner crying like a little baby. LOL

  12. Funny thing is, I been wondering lately how long it actually takes to get high and how long I stay high, just outta random stoned curiosity. This is what I got:

    Pipes: About 3-5 minutes from the first puff. 1 hour high.
    Bong - Regular Hits: About 3-5 Minutes from the first puff. 1-2 hour high.
    Bong - Huge Hits: Anywhere from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. 2-3 hour high.
    Joints: About 5-7 minutes from the first puff. 30-45 minute high. (Seriously, I have no idea why.)
    Blunts: About 3-5 Minutes from the first puff. 1-2 hour high.

    Joints are what had me really confused, because even if I smoke way more blunts and bongs than joints, it should keep me the same amount of high time. Meh, might just be my preferences causing some sort of placebo sobering effect, I dunno, I'm pretty stoned right now lol.

  13. If I take a huge bong rip, the onset is almost immediately.

    5-10 mins for the high to kick in[​IMG]
  14. I feel like i can feel it as soon as a exhale but it climbs and gets stronger for about 5 minutes
  15. If My tolerance is high and i smoke shwag, I don't get high. If my tolerance is at 0 and i smoke some strong wax, I can feel that shit hit me the minute I exhale.
  16. This is one of those things that's hard to pinpoont.

    When I smoke a cigarette which is very occasional, I'll feel that nic buzz in a matter of seconds.

    With weed, I'll notice I'm already high, rather than feeling myself getting high if that makes sense.
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  17. Actually it doesnt matter how long you hold in your smoke, its actually worse for your lungs to do that. You kill your cillia in your lungs when holding in smoke for a long time. So dont worry if you dont hold in your smoke- you’re not wasting weed.
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