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How long does weed last ?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Johnywilks, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. i just bought 2grams but i dont want to use it yet, so i would like to know how long it will stay good.

    I have it in a little baggie that i bought it in. Then i wrapped that up in cling wrap. then i put that inside a bigger baggie and shut it.
  2. put it in an air tight glass jar and it will last much longer.

    it dries out and loses potency in plastic but its still smokeable i suppose. i'd say a few weeks to a month if you don't put it in the jar, i don't know how good it will be when it comes out though, much better to put it in something air tight
  3. [​IMG]

    Could i use a jar like this?? how long would i expect it to stay good in that
  4. It won't be easy to find a jar small enough for 2 grams. The jar should be slightly larger than the amount you're storing. Keep it sealed in double ziplock bags and shove that into an empty prescription pill bottle. Keep it in a cool dark place and it'll keep a long time. Several months at least.
  5. Dude. Go to wal-mart. Go to the canning aisle (in the kitchen stuff) and you will most definitely find the perfect glass jar. looks something like this:

    Now that right there, my friend, is as classy as I'll get out. ;)
  6. If you use a jar that is too large it'll get just as stale as if you left it sitting out. There are very few jars small enough for something as small at 2 grams.
  7. For 2 grams that is too large. It will trap too much air inside and end up going stale as oldskoolgrower said.

    You need something smaller. Much smaller
  8. Use up one of these candles, then you'll have a mini jar.
  9. im only talking probaly 2-3 weeks
  10. Then you're worrying way too much about it.
  11. It's ruined.

    It's just weed man, get a jar. Size really doesn't matter. I have a jar I keep ounces in and it would work absolutely fine for 2 g's.
  12. I use spice jars for 1/8 and below. Cost me like a dollar, looks pretty, glass, more or less air tight. :D
  13. Wrong. If a jar is too big the weed will get just as stale as it will eventually get in a bag.
  14. [​IMG]
    My Current Stash, just pop the bottom off and take the gel out, pretty simple but effective
  15. pill bottle does just fine for me

    then again im not talking long term storage either
  16. Little jars are hard to find. I like to use the little bitty baby food jars, they're cheap to buy ~ I get the applesauce because, I'll eat that :p. Then you have this little sealed perfect jar!

    baby food.jpg

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