Well I'm planning on investing in a MFLB and was just wondering how long the smell lasts for? I know that it doesn't smell as much as burning, I was just wondering how long it would take for the smell to go away. (Say in a medium sized room with a large window open.) Thanks.
Seriously? Wow. That's really making me consider buying one when I move out then. They seem too good to be true
I have a small/medium/inbetween sized bedroom, I just blow the vapour out the window, and seriously, there is no smell. If there is, then yeah 5 minutes will do the trick if you keep the window open.
Now you've all convinced me to buy a vape I'll have to see if any of the headshops around here sell MFLB's and if not I'll have to wait until I move out to order one
[quote name='"Durb"']Now you've all convinced me to buy a vape I'll have to see if any of the headshops around here sell MFLB's and if not I'll have to wait until I move out to order one [/quote] Where are you from?
I'm from the UK, so I'm not entirely sure if there will even be many places where they sell them. Might as well look, though.
[quote name='"Durb"']I'm from the UK, so I'm not entirely sure if there will even be many places where they sell them. Might as well look, though.[/quote] Yeah, can't really help you then. Good luck though !
I don't use the mflb but I assume they are all the same as far as smell basically but with an open window and a fan, no more than 5 minutes at the most
10 minutes or so. If you have some dank smelling bud, there's going to be a distinct weed smell, but it's nowhere near as bad as smoking.
it's not like smoke.. if you burn a candle or get one of those glade plugin things there will never be any smell
yo bruh, get it off Amazon. If you're sketched out by delivery they have these things called Amazon lockers, check it:Amazon.com Help: Amazon Locker Delivery
Some dude were vaping in the theater recently, and I would only catch one whiff of it before it passed.
Honestly i think you should go with an NO2 vape. My buddy has an mflb and I've got the NO2 and we both agree the NO2 works much better but they are more expensive. Got mine for $180 (not sure what that is in pounds) and the mflb is between $100 and $130