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How long does THC stay in my urine for.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by cogzy, May 20, 2016.

  1. Hey, just wondering how long will it take for thc to go away from my urine after a smoke? I have a medical coming up for a job within 2-3 weeks and I want to have a joint tomorrow night. I am not a regular smoker I've only smoked about 10 times in my life. My last joint was 2 weeks ago. If I was to have a joint tomorrow night how long will it take to wear off? Cheers.

    PS: Im skinny and I have a high metabolism if that helps.
  2. There are several other factors. I'm a medical professional (paramedic x7 years and finishing a premedical degree to go to med school) so I'll share a bit of info about how it works and hope that helps because there is too much variance for their to be and standard timeframe that would always ring true.

    The metabolite they test for is fat soluble, meaning it attaches to fat cells in the body and is released when fat cells break down. While someone that is 'fat' will hold on to it longer than a skinny person because they have more fat, everyone has fat on their body so simply being skinny is beneficial, but it applies just the same to skinny people.

    Due to the way it breaks down, habitual or regular smoking will attach it to the fat cells in your body quicker than you'll probably break down and excrete. Since you said you don't smoke often, that will help and infrequent smoking is your most beneficial factor to minimizing the amount of time you'll piss hot for it.

    Diet and exercise has a lot to do it. Your body will go catabolic and start breaking down fat cells when you run out of available sugar/energy, but if you don't exercise and eat poorly, this will hinder your bodies ability to excrete. That being so, the best thing to do is avoid eating poorly (avoid saturated fats entirely, if possible, no sodas, nothing high in sugar that will end up being deposited as fat on your body if you don't burn it all, etc). White meat is great, such as chicken and fish, because they have very little fat, lots of protein, and is a lean meat. When I'm awaiting a jiujitsu tournament, I cut out any meat that isn't white to help make sure I can make weight when it's tournament time. Drinking water and staying adequately hydrated is also important because hydration significantly assists your bodies ability to excrete. Because of those, you need to avoid coffee, energy drinks, and things with caffeine in them. Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning they cause the body to release water excessively and likely put you in a minor degree of dehydration, this is part of the reason why some people that drink a lot of those feel shitty in the morning. You also need to avoid alcohol because alcohol inactivated ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) which is the hormone that regulates water composition and tells your body to hold on to water. When this inactivated, you body isn't being told to hold on to water and so it all gets dumped, hence the phrase "drink one, pee three".

    Exercise will also benefit you greatly because it will significantly increase the catabolism of fat cells present on your body. Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water (and none of the shit I suggested avoiding) maximizes your ability to cleanse because you aren't adding more fat to your body and providing adequate hydration for your body to use to flush away the byproducts of adipose (fat) catabolism.

    One joint alone, for a typical person, can last as short as 3-5 days to as long as 10-14 days. If you practice proper diet and hit some cardio (cardio is great for burning fat), you'll significantly shorten this timeframe.

    And if all else fails, there are synthetic urines out there, but be wary because some are garbage.

    "quick fix plus" is a label I will suggest as I have used it personally 4 times and it's worked every single time. They add urea to it so if you're in a state where the standard tests include checking for urea to detect alteration or substitution of urine, it will pass even through this security measure. I have not tried any other label so I will not suggest any others. Just get it, follow the instructions exactly, and put it under your nuts with some tight underwear pulled up way too high and a shirt tucked in and covering your way high up boxers (what I did). You're only screwed if it's an observed test.

    respond with any questions you have, if any.

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  3. If you're not a regular smoker as you say above, then your body isn't saturated to start with. You say you want to smoke a "joint." Do you mean you want to smoke an entire joint or you just want to smoke some and get a buzz. If that's the case, I wouldn't think you would need to smoke an entire joint. Normally, a couple of hits off one (assuming you've got some decent weed) for an irregular smoker is all you will need for least what I grow will take care of you with a hit or two. As long as you keep it to that and stop, you'll be fine on test day most likely way sooner. You are allowed to have a certain amount of THC in your system, it just can't be over the amount to tick that box. If all you plan to do is smoke a little to get a buzz, you'll be good. Now I wouldn't go smoke for hours on end. It's pointless to do that anyway because you're just wasting weed and will never exceed that initial high you get the first time you smoke any given day. I have a friend, bless her heart, who will sit there and smoke for hours and hours on end until all her stuff is gone. I've often wondered, because she's like MENSA smart, why she does this. She's got to know that she's not doing anything but smoking up weed she would like to have another day. LOL But don't get too tied up in knots over it. Go get your buzz, but smoke no more from that point on if the job is something you're really wanting to land. And I will agree with post above, the Quick Fix imitation urine works for a plain old dip test. My son used it for 3 years while he was in school and working on several jobs where they randomly pulled up folks to be tested, and it worked every time. But if you really have no more in your system than you say and you only are just getting a buzz, it'll be out of your system for the most part by the time you have to do a urine test. TWW
  4. Quick fix plus works on lab tests as well, not just dip stick tests. Like I said, I'm a healthcare provider and my initial employment screen was a lab test that included testing for nicotine. The old formula did not pass lab tests a bit over a year ago because a few states began employing testing for urea as well to detect substituted specimens and that is why they redeveloped their formula to include urea and the other biomarkers that are tested for by the facilities that use that in their testing protocol. That being said, if you decide to go with quick fix, get it directly from the manufacturers because I'm sure there are still a few older formula boxes in circulation somewhere. The manufacturer themselves only sell the updated formula.

    Also noteworthy, my comment was under the presumption you meant smoking a joint to yourself.

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  5. True, it doesn't cause you to get a much stronger effect, but it extends the duration of the effect. Kinda like when someone actually takes hydrocodone like the label says or if they are in the ER getting repeated 2mg doses of morphine. Your initial dose is what produces the effect and the additional doses are meant to continue that effect, not increase its strength.

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  6. Thanks for your reply, very informative and helpful.

    So if I smoke a whole joint tomorrow night do you think that THC will be detectable in a urine drug test within 2-3 weeks?
  7. Well the point I was trying to make is nobody can assert a confident yes or no and it really have much value beyond an opinion because there are factors you cannot express over the Internet. Knowing I cannot give you 100% certainty, I think you should be fine, but I think you would also be foolish to not adapt the diet/exercise I suggested during those two weeks just to be sure.

    It's very likely it'll have been excreted to not pass the threshold value that triggers a positive result, but if you just drink mountain dew, eat cake, and sit on your ass for two weeks, you could cause your body to take significantly longer than it normally would.

    Many illicit drugs are water soluble and you body takes in and expels water constantly so those drugs tend to clear pretty quick after you stop doing them. Cannabis is fat soluble so your exercise and diet and help or hurt your body eliminating it, that's why if you were to google this, you'll find a very wide range of time it could take. Your choices (diet and exercise) are a significant factor because it's fat soluble. Water soluble drugs will pass quickly regardless because even if you eat poorly and don't exercise, your body still still puts out several liters of water each day.

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  8. TL;Dr version - no one can give you a 100% certainty answer, but I'm strongly confident you will be fine, but avoiding fats and caffeinated drinks while getting a little exercise in those 2-3 weeks would be smart because you'll only assist your bodies process of eliminating it from you system

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  9. Thanks heaps for your help, I'm a healthy person and I hardly eat any junk food so I'm fairly confident about my diet and excersize is no problem.
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  10. When I was on probation as a teenager, I was 6'4 and 160 pounds, slim and slightly toned with decent ish exercise and I did eat crap food and I was able to clear to pass tests pretty quickly so I think you're in the clear.

    Like I said earlier, if you come up with any questions feel free to put them with a quote (so I get a notification) or message me and I'd be more than happy to give you any information you may seek if I possess it. Glad to help out, enjoy your joint, brotha

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  11. Woah since I'm 6'3 209lbs I play soccer 4 times a week for roughly 2 hours and workout 5 times a week. I only smoke once a week(use to). I have 17 days without smoking. Anyways if I were to smoke once a week would it go away within a week ? Silly question but I'm just wondering since I'm active. I drink 80 oz usually everyday. Would like your feedback.

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  12. I would say most likely, but something to keep in mind is that a negative result does not equal a measurement of 0, it only means that the threshold at which a result is flagged positive has not been reached.

    You could have a tiny amount still in your system and pass a test, but the point is the residual amount each week over time could aggregate and cause you to, after your body has flushed all it can, eventually have an amount that will flag a positive result. Normally I would suggest waiting a tad longer between weeks to make sure your body has enough time to flush it, but if you play 2 hours of soccer 4 times a week on top of working out 5 times a week, that really benefits your bodies ability to flush. The only thing I would question is what your working out goal is; is it anabolism (building muscle mass) or is it catabolism (burning off fat cells)?

    Catabolism helps because it is geared around burning as much fat as it can. Anabolism, however, could hinder your ability to flush because while an amount of fat is burned, it's more focused around building muscle mass that would leave a significant amount of fat not being burned compared to catabolism as well as anabolic workout sessions require more food to have the essential building blocks for new muscle mass which should surpass what your bmr (basal metabolic rate, how much your body burns just to do its physiological processes to keep your alive). This can easily include foods that are fatty because fats ARE still necessary and eating fatty foods to build muscle adds in more fat that needs to be burned before your body will tap into your fat deposits, the ones with the metabolic product you're trying to flush out.

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  13. If you're like me , and can be pretty idiotic and not stop smoking... Quick Fix works just fine. Passed a test @ LabCorp on the 18th. Goodluck
  14. Here is my personal experience as a smoker of a shit ton of ganja over many years while keeping my job at the same time. There were times for one reason or another I took breaks from ganja and stopped entirely for months and sometimes years.

    Aside from those handful of times I used kits that substitute fake clean piss for your own dirty piss. The handful of times I used drinks or tea to try and flush or mask my dirty sample ended in failure. I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with how much I smoke and eat. For me the drinks worked best when I was mostly or probably clean.

    As far as pissing clean, for me 30 days was the magic number if it was moderate smoking of say an eighth a week. I stop for 30 days and I was able to pass a piss test. If I was smoking more then that it took as long as 7 weeks when I used the cheap ass home test strips to check myself.

    So for you cogzy, I recommend getting a flushing or masking drink along side the abstaining from ganja. Even when I was passing the test strips and it had been 30 days or more, I still would drink something to help me pass. Just as a precaution and to make me feel better about the whole situation. I don't think I would chanc two weeks clean to pass a urine drug screen.

    With all of that said, as others have stated there is a threshold of what is considered passing and failing. So you can still have the metabolites in your urine that they are looking for and stil pass a piss test. I don't want anyone having any ideas that I might, just maybe could be smoking some weed. Even if it becomes legal to the point that you won't be fired or kept from being hired for employment, I will still keep it from those people I don't want knowing. It's none of their fucking business quite frankly so fuck them! /rant over lol.

    So yeah man, if it's moderate smoking on a regular basis then 30 days clean should be good for a urine test and I still recommend that you use one of those masking type drinks to help, for piece of mind and what not. Just to feel good about it all.

    Good luck dude and post your results man...
  16. this is true im 5-10 180lbs. I can take a hit on friday and saturday morning not a joint a hit and test clean monday. Its something better than nothing. I eat healthy though

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