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How long does Marijuana effects last in average?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ThinkingPothead, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Hi tokers!

    This is a simple question. I'm wondering because after getting pretty high, usually even 4-6 hours later I feel different. I don't feel high anymore but I don't feel "normal". Sometimes even if I go high to bed, the other day when I wake up I still can feel something.

    I'm wondering if this could all be just in my mind. So, how long does the psychoactive effects of smoking pot last (not only the actual high)?
  2. not that simple of a question, it depends on your tolerance. if you have low tolerance, you can have a good high going for a couple hours and feel the remnants of it hours after that, if you have high tolerance you can feel back to normal in under an hour
  3. #3 IDTENT, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    Yea it depends on your tolerance and the potency of the weed. I don't have a huge tolerance at the moment, and one good bong hit normally keeps me high for about 2 hours. I don't think it's likely that you'd be waking up high unless you smoke a huge amount of weed before going to bed. The only time I ever woke up high was when I ate a brownie that had a ridiculous amount of weed in it.
    It's interesting to wonder what effects might linger once the high has gone away. From personal experience I can't say I notice much difference in my mind/body once I sober up. 
  4. That's normal I wake up groggy if I smoke or eat too much the night before it's called a bakeover..I have a high tolerance so it's usually after I've been smoking or dabbing a lot throughout the day
  5. That's the same thing I want to know. My high last a good 2 hours and a half because I have extremely low tolerance (3 hits off a joint get me high, 8 hits and I'm pretty f'd up) but also after the high I still feel a bit different so I was wondering what were the after effects of the high and how long it lasted
  6. The day after thing is normal, it's just a tolerance thing. I still get that, and my friends got it when they first started. Sometimes it takes me 1 or 2 days to truly feel normal again.
  7. when i first started, 12+ hours, now.. an hour or 2
  8. Same for me, except mine lasts 3 or so hours
  9. Well, I first got a nice buzz in 1973. The affect wore of fairly soon, but the effect is still present. :smoke:
  10. Two hours and one minute, or until you feel the need to roll another joint or raid the refrigerator. Whichever comes first.  
  11. when i first started smoking i always noticed i still felt 'different' through the day until i went to sleep.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  12. Right!!?? So that means I'm not crazy xD since I'm just starting
  13. whenever you smoke and comedown, you are left with a buzz, not high but not sober, and you are kinda disoriented a bit with thoughts. completely normal and feeling off the next day is not just in your head. thats normal too. :smoke:

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