How long does it take your clones to root

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sgtstadanko, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. I have seen roots in as short as 7 days an I have some take as long as three weeks. Mine are at day 10 now with nothing showing. Why would this be. Winter time an it a little cooler so it might take a little longer.
    What do u blades have to say
  2. I usually use a heat pad under my clone tray in the winter. Otherwise it takes like 2 weeks for roots.
  3. Yeah i see bumps in 4 days wth a diy ez cloner and clonex full strength. I can usually transplant in 1-2 weeks
  4. 7 days to two weeks for roots to make it to outside of rockwool cube

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