over the last few months i've gotten very out of shape due to a combination of things. i used to go to the gym with my dad once or twice a week, since we've both been very busy with work (and in my case college) neither of us has had the time to go anymore. my cigarette habit has gotten a little out of control, i've been smoking for about 3 years. i used to go through 4 or 5 a day, now it's propably somewhere between 7 and 10. (yes i know it's bad for me, i'm going to quit soon, right now is not a good time thanks to stress from being very busy at work/college, and some pretty bad family issues currently going on) i also don't eat very healthily, family meals are usually pretty healthy, most of the stuff i cook isn't and i eat a lot of junk food in between meals. its got so bad that i get out of breath and/or rapid heartbeat running for less than a minute, climbing stairs or going for a moderately long walk, i realised how out of shape i was when i started getting rapid heartbeats whenever i smoked weed, and occasionally for no reason at all. if i cut down and eventually quit smoking (cigarettes), started eating healthier and got at least an hours exercise 2 or 3 times a week, how long would it take to get back in shape again? not asking for an exact time, just a rough estimate, like how long does it take most people, a few weeks?, a few months? e.t.c
Tbh man. If you are worried about how long it will take before taking any action then you aren't really ready to make this lifestyle change.
Define "in shape" Do you mean losing a few pounds? If so you can start seeing results in less than a week from starting an exercise routine and proper diet. You will have to maintain your exercise and diet to maintain the weight loss obviously but it's worth it. Really straining yourself will give you even better results. I lost 15-20 pounds in my first week of freshman football back in high school and I didn't even change the way I ate. Running is great exercise if you build you way up to it and take care of yourself after. If by "in shape" you mean the body of a body builder, then you better get crackin' because that's probably going to take you a while.
This. Getting in shape isn't like an infomercial dude. There is no set limit. It's something that you constantly have to maintain on a daily basis or you'll be... well... out of shape.. as obvious as that sounds.
It takes me less than a week usually. I'll let myself go around to holidays but then I get right back into it. I smoke about a pack a day for about 2 years now and don't usually get out of breath. Your best bet to feel better and drop a couple pounds quick is a strict diet and exercise ( all I do nowadays is sit ups and push ups.) Smoke a J, pop those earbuds in and work out till you can't. As for the diet, a few days of eating steak, garbanzo beans an eggwhites and you won't even want to look at junk food.
Don't let these guys scare you. While they do gave a point, like anything else, working out is a habit. The hardest part about lifting is the first month - trying to get into the habit. After that, it'll become a routine and won't be a burden. But, as you already experienced, it only takes a week to fall out of the habit. The main thing to pay attention to is not rapid improvement but consistency.
"Do not let the fruits of your labor be your motivation." Endorphins are the shit man, once you start consistently working out you will forget all about this time table bullshit and just enjoy feeling/looking better everyday.
I wasn't trying to scare him! Haha, simply pointing out that if he's serious about getting in shape it needs to be less worry about how long and more worry about how so, dig? And for the dude that said a week, yeah me too, but that means you were already in shape and you let yourself go for like a month haha. OP is talking about a little longer than that... Really all depends on what you mean by shape too, like someone said. If your talking overall body health, probably not as long as if you wanted to be a huge lifter. Eat salads man. the more colorful your bowl is the better. Just had a salad with like 15 different things in it. My body never feels better than after I ate a big salad... (make sure you throw protein on it; grilled chicken, package tuna/salmon, nuts, etc.) ^And like rasta said, endorphins are amazing. Before working out, I always looked at my body as in it's lowest state, trying to reach a higher level (i.e. felt like shit, would smoke a cig, it would be good for a while, then my body would be down again). After working out and dedicating a lot of my energy toward being healthy, it's the opposite. My body is always at it's peak. I can only look at those unhealthy objects as things that will bring me down. You start getting in a whole other mindset... see for yourself.
Yo op, I came back from 'out of shape' many times. Being in shape generally I'd guess is about being able to run around some without huffing. Quit cigs you won half the battle, just run on the treadmill for about 2 months, get your lungs wind able to handle a load and you'll feel hella better
Like others have said its all about what in shape is to you? I'd say around a month to start seeing results and around 3 until you really start noticing a big change
Getting in shape has alot more to do with your diet, rather than just working out all the time. Like i always say, working out and eating bad, you won't see very good results but eating right and doing almost no working out will still do your body a ton of good. At any rate, there is a ton of material out there for working out and dieting, combining the two can be difficult at times though, espically if you just wanna sit on GC and smoke pot all day. But, to answer your question, it really depends on you..If you wanna get into extreme shape you should really consider going to see a trainer to just establish a workout schedule for yourself as well as a dietician..This doesn't mean going to see them every week this means going to see them twice, at most, and creating a plan of attack against your body. ^If you do that and stick to it your going to see huge results, even over a month, espically if your not doing any of that shit right now.
I'm not worried, it will take as long as it takes, I'd just like to know how long it is before I see some kind of result, that way ill know if I'm doing it right
Depends on where you are and where you want to be, "shape" wise. If you start today you'll be one step closer though.
It is still very hard to say. I was completely beaten out of shape at one point and I did not really see results for 6 months even though other people around me saw the results. I'd look in the mirror everyday and see the same fatass even though weight was coming off. You just need to get out there man work hard even though you think you are getting no where. Don't worry about the results just worry about making progress for instance every time you go running try to run a little further the next time and the next time. Good luck.
Without consistancy you're wasting your time. In shape isn't something you can attain and keep without consistantly being active. Adding exercise to your daily routine will make every facet of your life better. Do something good for yourself, get in shape !