How long does it take to get clean for drug test

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by OGB11, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Hey so I've been looking for jobs and I always wonder about a drug test I've been smoking for a couple months but not heavily like a hit a day
  2. It takes at least 15 years mate
  3. I dunno, I'm not you. Shit ain't universal, dude.
  4. #4 doggyk, Nov 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2015
    Most commonly asked question that cannot be answered. Go workout and drink some water, I'd say you'll be fine in 2 weeks, 3 at the latest.. Unless you fat :/
  5. Depends on your body type and lifestyle. I'm clean in two weeks consistently but I'm a skinny guy, walk many miles each day at work, and drink a good amount of water.

    A 300 pound couch potato is going to take twice as much time if not a little more.
  6. and if you ask why its quicker if your not fat its fat soluble so burn more fat and it will get you clean quicker
  7. I'm 6' even and about 160 lbs, I've smoked 48 hours prior to taking an at home drug test and passed so it really depends. I'm sure laboratory tests would have caught some trace of weed since the home ones aren't that great. I also only smoke like 2 times a week, sometimes more though so that has an effect.
  8. Anywhere from a couple days to over 6 months for people with more body fat like my buddy. I didn't think it was possible but he failed a drug test after 6 months of no smoking so I'd say if u want to pass one anytime without having to clean out ur system then just take some b vitamins to make it appear more yellow then u can just dilute ur system with a bunch of water before u take it and there will only be trace amounts of thc, undetectable with your typical hospital drug test. Pee once before to get the concentrated urine out and if u took enough b vitamins and drank enough water it should appear yellow enough for them to test it while diluted enough to be able to pass it at the same time. Or the fake patented urine from the local smoke shop always works. I know a lot of people who use that and have never had a problem lol
  9. Hit up the gym it will be sooner if not your looking at close to thirty days depending on your use

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