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How long does it take herb to degrade?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by 420boxing, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. I usually toss my purchases in a pill bottle but right now I just grabbed a little bit to smoke with my friend . I've got it in a bag in my coat and am going to pack a black and mild full of it here soon.  I know most likely I'm good as I'm not going to have it around for a while (it's only a gram) but I'm curious as to what you stoners think?  From experience it degrades in smell after like a day or so of being in a ziplock type baggie.

  2. Out in the open? 3-4 days. It'll dry out steadily. Pill bottle? Several weeks-1.5 months. Baggie? Two weeks at the LEAST. Mason jar? Months if not years. Also depends on the temperature of where you store it. Those are just my guesstimated times until it starts to get a little dry, which can be remedied by tossing an orange peel in the same container with the stash for a day :)

    Happy toking!

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
  3. #3 cannabisdayzzzd, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
    It depends how much light and air gets to it.
    Pill bottles are not air tight.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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