How long does an ounce last you?

Discussion in 'General' started by Xenopsy, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Title says it all. I'm asking cause I have low to no tolerance at all and an ounce lasts me about a month to a month on a half. Awhile ago, my buddy got off probation and we smoked an ounce in 3 days. Probably nothing compared to you guys.
  2. 1 day - 1 week.

  3. Same here
  4. week and a half if i pace myself and dont share...
    otherwise 4-5 days.
  5. I've never bought/had an ounce all to myself.

    A half-ounce lasts me roughly a week or two (if it's just me smoking it). An ounce I reckon could probably last me a month.
  6. An ounce would last me like a month...:confused:
  7. hmmmm bout a week, week and a half if I try to stretch it. I get greedy if I'm holdin
  8. Schwagg, bout a week

    good shit? bout a month
  9. yea i feel that, i always smoke a shitload when i got a bunch of weed. then later im like why did i smoke that face blunt earlier and im out lol.
  10. Well I got an O of shwag a little over 2 weeks ago. It should last me to the weekend.

    So a little under three weeksish.

  11. Hell yea. I smoke weed like cigs if I got a lot. I can't seem to control myself ha ha

  12. it depends if its an oz of mid then probably 2-3 wk, but some dank shit then probably a month...i have a high tolerance
  13. Probably two years... because... I never really smoke any more haha

  14. But its good you keep the to community =) :hello:
  15. about a week, maybe two if I'm lucky
  16. Anywhere from a week to a month. It depends on what's going on...
  17. An hour, But a GOOD hour, like, an Hour and a half sometimes.

    Nah, I'd say like 2 weeks, depending on how busy I am with college and work. Massa be workin me like a slave at the jimmy johns.
  18. Usually like 3-4 weeks.
  19. 2-3 weeks on avg
  20. I try and do smoke every day ,so about 3-4 weeks . inless i know i got the money for another and then its on

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