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How long does a half oz last you??

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 2dollarbill, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Watsup GC,

    Bought a half oz of sum dank shit on my birthday, its been a little over a week now and i have like 3-4 grams left....

    How long does it last you??

    Kinda wished i woulda conserved it more but whatever it was my birthday hahah!
  2. It would last me a long time. I smoke every day, but at the same time it's only two to three bowls max a day. A half oz would last maybe 3-4 weeks.
  3. same it would probably last me a month if i was vaping each day
  4. lately halfs have been lasting two weeks, I'd like to have them around for 3 weeks or more to save money but eh :smoking:
  5. 2 weeks, i recently stumbled onto a gold mind dealer. =) OZ for 180 and dank too.
  6. About 3 weeks, If I did not work or go to school probably like 10 days lol
  7. usually around 2-3 weeks.
    just depends on whats going on.
  8. Honestly, 3-4 months. I made an eighth last me the past month.
  9. Probably about two weeks if I stay high all day, and don't give any to friends.
  10. A month, I've cut back on my smoking a lot lately and I've found that smoking is a much more pleasant experience if you can moderate it well and use the herb sparingly.
  11. 2-3 weeks, smoking a bowl or 2 a night
  12. I usually buy a half every three weeks or so.
  13. Two weeks. The wife and I usually only smoke at night, but we have a high tolerance. Plus, I'm a snob.. I only hit the bowl a couple of times.. I don't like it when it gets all black.. it's too harsh for me. I don't enjoy it and if I'm not enjoying it then it's pointless for me.

  14. That's what all broke people say :D:D
  15. Haha I'm definitely not broke though, I went from smoking about 5-8 1gram joints a day to 3-4 joints a week and everything in my life has seemed to improve and now I have even MORE spending cash to take the misses out and spend on my other hobbies.
  16. See.. I get the wife high so she doesn't want to go out. lol
  17. 8 mo.......but i'm lucky a dime wouldn't last me 3 decades....... i'm a stoner at heart but when i was 18 i developed schizophrenia..... i tried to keep smokein but it got to the point if i continued i was gunna start belivein i was an otter put here by the otter gods to liberate all rodents and teach them the ways of man to get them to do our bidding...but..... i didn't wanna go through with that possibly bad decision... although i do like otters....I'm fuck I'm rambling.. anyway it wadnt the bud just genetics.... but i started taking cbd (cannabidiol) as an antipsychotic no THC....and it works better than anything pharmaceutical out there with zero side effects aside from being happy again and the freedom to take a hit or two with no impending fear of otter armageddon....hey baby hits are better than havein a nickle bag last you a full b'ak'tun (5100 years) unfortunately i cant get tomato eyed blitzed stoned anymore.... fuck do i ever miss that ...but hey baby hits for now 6 ft graffix one day...... the whole point was a bag last me way to long but I'm trying again and that's what counts....well I'm gunna go hit my dugout and beat the fuck outta my bass....... thank god for medicinal cannabis.. then right after that thank him for recreational purple and not turning me into the otter Antichrist... well not yet anyway........ woot.... woot...
  18. its not a set time . . . . ya know?
  19. A gram a day keeps the doctor away yeah like 2 weeks or so...
  20. i understand you have money for weed. but does your girl finish the bowls off?
    if not i'd do snaps. to conserve weed.
    you know.

    half an oz would last me lets see.

    probably 7 days. smoking all of it with my girlfriend.

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