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How long does a full bowl take you to smoke?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JESUSgotNAILED, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. #1 JESUSgotNAILED, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
    Well, I like to sit there and enjoy my bowls. I take my time and savor each hit and the time between each hit as well. I love the herb. So it takes me about 45+ minutes when smoking at home (in the backyard), and about 25 minutes when smoking in a rush (either in my car or home).

    It takes me too long to smoke :( But I do pack FAT bowls each time :smoke:

    So how long does it take you guys on average? A full bowl for me is about .25 to .3.
  2. Anywhere from 2 to 30 mins.
  3. If I'm not high already I smoke the first bowl real quick then pack another and take a rip or two about every 10-15 minutes
  4. QFT
    I usually dont like to take a long time to smoke so most of the time its 2-10 mins or so.
  5. I've been trying to not take as long lately, just because when I'm in a rush I will still smoke slowly. So it's becoming a problem in those situations. Any ideas on ways to cut down my time?
  6. take bigger hits? and take another immediately after you exhale. if i smoke a bowl like that its fast and you get really high, really fast :smoke:
  7. I assume this is only for when by yourself, although me and my friends will have really stony bowls near the end of sesh's sometimes and take like 5 mins in between hits.

    Anyway, me personally, I can easily take up to 25 minutes on a bowl when by myself. I like to savor the ganja and it's nice to take a hit once in a while. I feel like I'm high for longer.
  8. 5 minutes. ish.
  9. I just always end up zoning out and enjoying the feeling of getting high for a few minutes in between each hit.
  10. Well a full bowl can be anything from .2 to 2Gs for me, depends on the size of the push. People need to be a little more specific with this stuff.
  11. A full bowl for me is about .3.
  12. I full bowl for me is like .5. But I usually smoke it with my roommates so there's 3 of us. It probably takes us Like 5-10 minutes to finish one
  13. 30 secs to 5 mins when I'm on the go, in a sesh i will be smoking for 1 hour + just hitting bowls.

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