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How long does a bowl of dank get you high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bamf64, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 bamf64, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    I got home from class today and smoked a bowl of Trainwreck out of my bubbler at 3:15pm. The high was worn off by 4... this seemed too short for me because i'm usually high 2-3 hours after smoking.

    should i take a T-Break? ive been smoking 3-4 times a week for about 4 months.. or is it that one bowl doesnt get me high and i need 2 or 3 more?

    edit: bowl was packed to the top
  2. I'd say it depends how big your bowl is/ how much you smoked, but a t-break wouldn't hurt :)
  3. I love these topics... You're you, we're not... Lol.
  4. I dunno man, did you feel real high the whole 45 minutes? Because sometimes you can be really intensely blazed for a bit then feel fine after that... other times you're high for a bit then stoned for a bit. It might be tolerance, I don't know, but like the others said, a break won't hurt!
  5. try mixing up the way you smoke. I find just using like a metal pipe, apple pipe, bong, vap, will change my highs

    Breaks are always clutch, even if its just a few days
  6. About 1-2 hours.
  7. I would say, blazed for an hour, high for an hour, and then buzzed for another hour maybe a bit more.

  8. Holy shit dude hahaha

    This was a tricky sentence to read actually.

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