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How long do you hold your hit in?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Flyin'High', Feb 2, 2011.

  1. 3.5 seconds for me, should i be doing it longer or what?
  2. always > 5 seconds! no point in wasting it..
  3. I usually go for 5 seconds :smoke:
  4. as long as i can
  5. 3-5 seconds when smoking and as long as I can when I vaporize.
  6. It only takes about 3 seconds for the THC to be absorbed, so why bother holding smoke in your lungs longer than you have to?

  7. thats what i thought. so i was thinking maybe thats not true.
  8. I try to hold it for 3 or 4 seconds if I can, Although I heard after 5 seconds the smoke becomes "toxic".
  9. Just wait till you got plenty to smoke on. Then, you don't gotta hold it in at all. Just smoke it till it's black, chuck it and load another. Wonderful, scrumptious, hashy greens, all day. :smoke:

    For me, unless it is some uber tasty shit, < 1 second.
  10. i used to hold it in a lot longer but 5 seconds now, and i am getting just as high as before
  11. 3-5 seconds for sure
  12. Lol to all the people cutting oxygen to their brain saying "long as I can" etc..
    After like 5-6 seconds your lungs don't even absorb the THC anymore so all you're doing is killing brain cells..ghosting your hits is just../sigh
    So yeah, bout 5 seconds. :hello:
  13. in & out! like the priest said to the nun:)

    no need to hold it in as it hits as soon as it touches your receptors in the mouth,no need to inhale really,but i do.
  14. there are no receptors in the mouth.:confused:
  15. THC is absorbed quickly IN THE LUNGS. Holding it may allow more thorough extraction of your inhalation, but it will simultaniously allow soot to settle in your lungs as well as letting more "bad" chemicals from the smoke into your system.

    Healthy answer, smoke it, don't hold it in. Soon enough, friends, there will be bountiful amounts for all then there shall be no more quibble of how to get the most out of a hit, for there shall be so much weed, the bowl will be evergreen!
  16. About 1 second or less.
  17. depends what im smoking. Jays i like to french inhale idk why its just a habit, from my old days of cocaine and menthol cigarettes lol

    with anything glass i clear the chamber and then take another breath then blow the smoke out. i dont hold it in for long at all, and i still cough almost every hit i take (is that a bad thing? lol)
  18. It honestly depends on my mood and the amount of bud I have, and the smoking implement being used. Usually anywhere from 1 full, full second to a max of like 10 (super rare) usually 3 to 5 though
  19. 3-6 depending on how tolerable it is to hold in:p.
    Although with concentrates I figure its not as bad so a big hit maybe 7 seconds.

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