How long do you hold the smoke in for??

Discussion in 'General' started by Ramsay, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. I did search this topic no recent threads like 3 years ago I have been watching people on Instagram YouTube people like marajwana man, he holds it for like half a second, me personally who I smoke with always said hold it in for aslong as you can, which can be between 10 - 30 seconds I dont really count after 10 aslong as its a good 10is there any studies it's alot more enjoyable taking it slow and only holding for 1-3 seconds but it seems a waste of weed, please tell me your opinions, like do you really get more fucked by coughing longer hold time etc thanks !!
  2. There was a topic on this a few days ago. The search system man, its a conspiracy -- you can't trust it.But anyways, 9 seconds tops for me. 5 minimum.Sent from the magic, handheld box that is my phone.
  3. I never really hold it in that long, I honestly don't notice the difference but I just wanna get that smoke out as soon as possible
  4. Lol first off i would say I hold my smoke in for 7 seconds tops.. When your holding your smoke in, it disappears and your just holding your breath suffocating yourself in a way
  5. Hmm alright thanks ! I know mates that hold it in for stupid amount of times.Also buy the second hit I'm out of air lol maybe I should just do a nice 5 seconds, them can take another good hit without being out a breath lol
  6. All of the thc gets absorbed into your lungs in about 5 seconds, so holding in the smoke longer than that doesnt actually get you higher, just lightheaded from oxygen deprivation. also you're probably getting extra unhealthy carcinogens
  7. Thanks sounds like 5 seconds will do I don't like holding it in for what I currently do anyway when you breath out your gasping for air lol
  8. yeah, holding it in for that long is unnecessary. thc is absorbed in your lungs fast, usually 3-5 seconds is good. I hold it in for 3-4 though
  9. 4-5 seconds does it for me. 10+ seconds is just oxygen deprivation.
  10. I'm really glad I made this thread, never 'enjoyed' holding it in for that long can't wait to give this ago only 3 - 5 seconds
  11. 3-5 seconds, but if it's a huge hit i try to hold it in as long as i can. and if its a huge hit i'm never sure if i'm actualy "getting" all the smoke, or if some of it is going to "waste" lol.
  12. 3-5 seconds yep Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  13. Until its gone.
  14. 3 secSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  15. 2, maybe three seconds. And I still get as much THC as you weirdos holding it in for 10.
  16. 5 seconds is good enough. It only takes like 3 seconds for the THC to be absorbed into your blood.
  17. usually until i cough
    coughing kills brain cells and weed kills brain cells
    so i trip to the maximus decimus meridius
  18. i don't. i inhale, then exhale. like normal breathing. only takes fractions of a second for your lungs to absorb thc. sometimes, if i'm stressing, i'll hold it but only subconsciously. :bongin:


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