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how long do u vape a bowl?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by L1feG1ver, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. title says it all. me, ill vape a bowl for about an hour and just be stupid high when im done. i then proceed to stand up, and realize im high as fuck! :smoke:
  2. How is this possible? I have my vape hooked up to the bong, and I can only hit it maybe 4 times until the weed turns brown and stops "giving forth." And that only takes me like ten minutes. :confused:
  3. my weed gets brown after a few hits 2. that dosnt mean all the thc is out of the bud tho. i keep my temp real low, and dont blow out thick clouds. if you are turn your temp down. i blow out verry little smoke, like i half to have a light on to c it.
  4. Takes me 5-10 minutes to vape a bowl, which is I don't know how many hits but each hit takes like 30 seconds because it's whip
  5. Yeah, my vape is also a whip vape, but the clouds I blow out are almost as big as regular bong hits. OP, do you think you get higher because you spread out your hits over an hour as opposed to using up the same amount of weed in a shorter time period?
  6. lol u guys should be vaping for at least a half hour. get the most out of your bud.
  7. with my DBV it takes around 15-20 minutes. I get around 12 hits or so. I take a few hits, crush up the herb more stir and repeat. I also have a range of temps that i go through to make sure to get all the THC.
  8. extreme q with the bag about a hour..longer if matchin
  9. Usually about a half hour per bowl, but that's just casually puffing and messing around on GC. I guess about 8 good vapor bong hits and then maybe 5 more straight from the whip.
  10. dude with good weed a bowl on a vape (I use DBV which is an amazing vape) could last well over 45 mins to an hour. It's incredible how much THC you can milk out of it by stirring every 4 hits, and gradually increasing the temperature (I usually start at 12:00 and end at 1:30).
  11. i love my DBV. a 0.05-0.1g bowl usually lasts atleast an hour and then im high for a good 2 more hours :smoke:
  12. 7 or 8 hits with my MFLB... 10 to 15 minutes
  13. same with above if dank about 3 hits in i will be stoned as fuck mflb is so good i use high mids on it 5 hits and im baked
  14. there is no way lol .05-.1 for an hour? maybe .5-1 g haha...if it wasnt a mistake congrats man :smoke:
  15. Nah man no mistakes. I get like 15 hits atleast out of the bowl so after spacing them out, which I have to do coz I 4-5 hits get me blazed, it lasts 45 mins to an hour.

    Sometimes though when I'm in a hurry and don't have the luxury of spending an hour vaping, I just turn the temperature up on my Buddha and rip through a bowl in 10-15 minutes. makes for a good stony afternoon, i usually do this before class if i don't have time
  16. i wish a bowl lasted an hour for me... i can vape a massive bowl 20 mins max
  17. hell yeah...
    i sat in my room an vaped a bowl for ever just a second ago.
    i love gettin stoned off the vape.
    it gets to the point where im not even breathin air anymore, just sittin there vapin over n over.
  18. it will last about an hour here if i dont get bored with it first. I pack my bowl tight as fuck and stir every 10mins or so. use a vaportower.

    most vape seshs end with me getting sick of smoking and just tossing it in my stashbag, bound for a qwiso bath when i get an oz or so.

    got a lot of pics of the vaportower in my thread if anyone is interested. swore id never use anything other than a volcano, but my girl got me this badboy for xmas and i love it. heats up fast, and smokes smooth :wave:

    should take you right to the vape.

  19. what he said...

    It could easily take up to an hour if your don't do it at a consistent rate.. vape for as long or as not long as you want. That is the beauty of it.
  20. Takes me the same.

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