ok i ordered some Durban Poison seeds and germinated them all perfectly and then transplanted them to a soil with plenty of perlite, which i mixed with some sand to ensure it drains well(i had used it before and it tended to hold moisture)...i planted the 5 extra seeds they sent me inside and they are all doing great except i think they might be stretching a bit to much.....but the outdoor ones have yet to sprout....i had one sprout the other day, but when i came back the next day it wasnt there anymore and im too afraid to try and dig it up.....any suggestions? and im just being impatient?
Patience is a virgin. Just wait. I have never seen all seeds germinate on the same day. If there's nothing in 5 more days, then they might be dead seeds.
well i dug up one and accidently broke it......sadly....its looks really healthy though......so hopefully in a few days we will see some growth
yeah just wait a few more days before messing around with the soon to be sprout. if nothing happenes in the next like 4 days then they might be dead or something else. where are you located too its kind of late in the season at least for the east coast
im in North Carolina....and yea i know its late in the season...funny thing is though....flowerings hasn't begun here yet.....i have some flowering plants in the yard and they still havent flowered....i think its because of the heat spiking we got the past few weeks......until this week everyday was just about over a hundred...so i figured i'd wait til it cooled down a bit....but please check out my indoor plants in my other thread http://forum.grasscity.com/absolute-beginners/172887-first-grow-check-out-my-babies.html