How long do I leave Isopropyl alcohol in my bong to get the resin out and smoke it?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by wkuh, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Pour some in my bong and letting it sit. Wanted to know how long before I can strain it, dry the resin, and smoke it. No opinions on smoking resin, please.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. until you see it clean friend... the dirtier your bong the longer it takes.....
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  3. It's actually black so I can't see lol ty for the reply btw
  4. yukk. try not to let it get so bad clean more often.. also shake it,, pour up some fresh alchohol , do whatever until its clear.
  5. No, I meant like, it's painted black, like with designs and stuff lol
  6. Ohh well in that case pour out old and put new until when you pour out is clear.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Cool, thanks
  8. don't waste it ....down with soda as in a shot
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  9. #9 nachoboomer, Jan 4, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
    Don't waste the bong water, drink that too.:D THIS IS SARCASM SHELDON! DON'T DO IT! o_O
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. You can add some coarse kosher salt & shake well, but IMO the bong cleaning products ( grunge off for one) work better. Let it sit overnight. Don't forget some elbow grease & a bottle brush.
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  11. #11 Tokintb12, Jan 5, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
    Did someone suggest drinking isopropyl alcohol?
    May want to look that one up

    Clean your bong frequently
    A quick Google search will inform you of the content of your bong water
    Its nasty

    If you want to drink the gunk use ethanol instead of iso to clean your bong

    If its painted be careful none of the paint runs and gets into the mix

    I have borosilicate water pipe and ash catcher that I clean with boiling water first, then some 99% iso followed by more boiling water to evaporate the alcohol

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  13. I only use high% isopropyl and kosher salt(large grains clean quicker). Rubberband a sandwich bag over the top, stop up the bong hole and shake, shake, shake, senora, shake your body line, shake shake shake, senora, shake it all the time. Really all it takes is salt, Iso, and friction helps. Less than 5 minutes of shaking the salt bath, rinse clear and good to go.
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  14. stick a slice of lemon in the bong water to prevent oil sticking to the glass bowl
    I've done it for years ..and vital for some of todays designs
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  15. "NO OPINIONS PLEASE" RING A BELL? Some people have to learn the hard way???
  16. Please dont fucking drink isopropyl alcohol.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Thank you Captain Obvious! :D:GettingStoned:

  18. Something is seriously wrong with you
    Drinking iso is dangerous and your post is dangerous
    You changed your post telling him to drink the isopropyl alcohol then told him to drink the bong water
    That is a bad idea too!!!
    I'm done with this site
    Have fun killing people
    • Like Like x 1
  19. No I NEVER said to drink iso! I said to drink the bongwater, then edited That for the sarcasm impaired like you. Nobody ever died from drinking Bongwater.
    • Winner Winner x 1

  20. Stop being angry and recognize how dangerous your post was and apologize to the community
    I have done stupid shit too and apologized after
    Sarcasm is no reason to post lethal advice
    Read your posts and reasoning
    Its sick to tell someone to do something dangerous as a learning experience when you can just help them
    • Agree Agree x 1

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