I have a quik question. im readying my first ever grow and i have all my gallon jugs of water sitting downstairs rite now and i filled them all up just a secound ago. the thought crossed my mind that it mite not be a good idea to let the water sit too long because something mite be able to grow in it or somethin idk. so i figured id run it by you guys. rite now i have 5 jugs down there and 3 caps. i left 2 of the jugs open rite now so they could evaporate all of the chlorine and become distilled. the other 3 jugs have caps on them because i was worried they shouldnt be set out for too long. id just hate to do some stupid mistake and hurt my plants. any replies will be greatly appreciated and used in my grow. thanks guys.
Actually its always a good thing to let water sit for at least 24 hours when you are getting it out of your hose, sink, or something like that if you get water from a local supplier becuase they treat the water with a lot of chemicals to help kill germs, and do various other things that we dont know about, letting the water sit for 24-48 hours lets these chemicals evaporate and doesnt cause harm to the plants you are useing the water on. Needles to say none of this stuff they add to the water is in such a high ammount that its really going to effect your plants or it would also harm is, but letting it sit is only a good thing. As for things growing in the water like algee or something of that nature, id think that water would have to be sitting down their for an awful long time uncovered and be in a very dirty place so it was given the chance to have something fall into it and have things start to develope.
Thanks satan, <--- Haha, never thought id be sayin that soo soon. Well man i actually use tap water, but where i come from its basically well water but still has small traces of chlorine so im gunna still let it sit for a good 24 hrs before use. Has a good ph 7.0 - 6.9 (Need a better ph tester, mines a milwakee but i could use a hanna) Would you reccomend me puting very small amount of ph down in the water to put it at a even 6.5 (reccomended for ph soil i hear judging by the image ill post below) Thanks for your help man. Id +rep if i could. any other help from anyone will be greatly appreciated
Yeah thats wat im gunna shoot for, havnt experimented yet with my ph down n up but id imagine its pretty potent stuff.
I use 7 drops of ph down in 2 gallons of 7.2 tapwater to get to 6.5. I use 3 tablespoons of ph up in 2 gallons of my 5.6 nute solution to get to 6.5.
thanks again john. id +REP if it would mean anything you kno that. another quik question john. how long could i let my water set for before it would be unusable?
You mean like 'flat' or something. Gee, I don't know. You'll end up watering/nuting prolly a couple times a week for most of your grow. When I finish watering, I just fill up my cans to sit until I water the next time which is just a couple days away. Are you thinking of filling up a large can or barrel? I've heard of some growers who put an airstone and pump into their big barrels of water to keep it 'fresh'.
Nah i was just thinkin i wanted a few extra gallon jugs of water settin around full just incase i needed emergency supply or something you kno. allways good to have a lil extra. And howmany times a week do you think i should be feeding? adv nutrients only calls for once a week feedings. im using the 100% organic lineup of adv nutes. expensive i kno, but gunna b worth it.
Once a week works out to be about every other watering which is kinda the general rule of thumb for most ferts. Your plants will ultimately tell you when and how much they want! My widows are always a little finicky on feeding. They're like supermodels - they eat like birds. If I give them the same dose as the others, their leaf tips turn just slightly yellow. So I don't feed them as much. You'll get the hang of it in short order.
When you guys are talking about ph up and ph down. Is that the same stuff you us for swimming pools and hot tubs??
Yup. You can get smaller bottles of the stuff at pet supply stores that sell aquarium stuff or, of course, hydro shops.
Thanks...thought I know alot about growing till I got on this site. Figured out I didn't know shit. I asume you can use this for outdoor growing also?
be careful of salt buildup with the pool chemicals. They have special hydro ph/down that doesn't cause this.