How long can urine stay fresh outside?

Discussion in 'General' started by nayanthelion, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. hey guys i got this random drug test my mom gives me with this home drug test kit so i doubt it can tell the temperature of the urine and stuff. so if i got my friends pee in the bathroom how long will it stay fresh sealed? the test she gives me are random so i need it in the bathroom sealed at all times. so basically about how long should it last sealed? thanks a lot.
  2. wow.......oh wooow.
  3. synthetic urine
  4. A friend of mine just kept a bottle of urine under his sink hidden for whenever his parents asked. He used that bottle for the course of 6 months, 6 times and it always worked.
  5. yo layers429 i freggin love u brah! so basically i could also get a larger amount of my friends urine and it will be fresh to pass all the test she gives me?
  6. From what i know, yes. He just got tested with one bought from CVS, so im guessing it would work for you too.

    Now.. probation drug tests are different story..
  7. Piss in a bottle will seriously start to stink after a while. Bad like one whiff and you'll puke. Unless you like the smell of dead bodies.

  8. Air tight bottle hidden in the bathroom where people urinate frequently anyways? Im sure it will go unnoticed.
  9. if you have to do something like this, you shouldn't smoke weed. you should work on getting a job and getting away from those parents.
  10. Just drink the urine, so the next time you urinate it's clean urine at the right temperature.
  11. i pissed in a bottle once. my mom found it and thought i was letting it ferment and was gonna huff it later on.
    the best thing you can do is stop hiding the fact that you smoke weed. ur 18 or older for christ sakes. be an adult

  12. Ya but what if it was getting sent into the lab and what if someone is pregnant and uses someone else pee can they tell??????

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