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How long can I keep my weed until it gets useless?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dannysk8dude, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Im thinking about a t-break soon , but i have some really good dank grams around here and i got this question, How many time can I store some grams before it gets useless/no THC/no smokeable? like if i dont smoke for 1 month , will the weed "survive"?
    I dunno if you get it, im too blazed right now and ive been thinkin about this
  2. Travel to Store.
    Purchase Mason Jar.
    Travel back home.
    Insert dank into jar.
    Tighten lid.
  3. Get a mason jar or a contact lens case (look at my thread on the first page) and you can store them for quite a while with amazing freshness, if you keep it in a sesh paper or a baggie then it will no go without THC but it will be harsh and you will require a bit more to get you high later

  4. Yes, but how long can those nugs stay fresh for?
  5. It'll never go useless per se, but it'll get hard and harsher to smoke over time.

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