how long can a plant go with out water?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 420daily14, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. how long can a plant go with out water ?

    doing a micro grow, running 20/4 with 4-5 cfls plants about 3 weeks old
  2. i would think the smaller the pot the faster the water will dry out. i use 5gal buckets and i water about every 7 days. i could prob push it to 8-10 days if i absolutely had to
  3. yeah im using a small pot idk not even a gallon
  4. feel the soil, also some people say that they wait till they see first signs of wilting then water

    my first grow was in gal buckets, they there about 12" x 12" x 12" and i had to water every 3-4 days

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