if you arent sure yourself, go to www.webehigh.com , choose your city/state and post the rating. in Boston MA the ratings are as follows: Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 3.5 fellow tokers, post your city's tolerance levels.
dude i love smoking in asheville, everyone theres pretty much hippys, but Greenville,SC Smokeing Tolerance Lavel:2 People arent really chill here. As long as you arent bothering anybody then your good.
About a 20 minute drive from Raleigh, only city on there near me - 3. If my town were on there it would probably be in the negatives if thats possible Fuck the HSPD!
My town's too small to be on there but it's very much illegal here. The cops here seem to be under the impression that marijuana = crack, and they are very strict on it. I think this is mostly because they don't have anything to do most of the time. The closest town that's on there is Cedar Falls, IA (10-15 minute drive) and that's 3.5. Waterloo is pretty much directly connected to Cedar Falls and that's also 3.5.
damn guys. it seems like the cities are very strict or very leanant. Boston so far, seems to be the only town that is in the middle.
I live in San Diego and my results were smoking tolerance level: on 1-5 ,3.2 inland, 3.8 at the beaches. but I have to say its way higher. Everyone here smokes including some older folks so I would have to say its closer to a 4/5
wow i am jelous. i am white, but i am fairly disappointed that boson has a lot of 'legal' racism. Blacks are harassed probably 2x as much as whites. despite me being white, this really disappoints me. in boston, there is an area called harvard square near the college. It is a really weird place. It is full of druggies and wannabee hippies but it is a very cool and strange area with some killer stores. my favorite store is called 'the hempest'. they sell pipes and clothing made from hemp, pretty cool.
i was just in ithaca for a summer college program at Cornell University and i gotta say, Ithaca NY is probably the most lenient out of everywhere in america theres nothing but hippies and white people with dread locks.
2. Also says: Shwag, Commercial, 30/60, and Dro are the norm for this area. Shwag and Commercial are pretty cheap and very common. Dro is expensive and not as common (expect to pay a minimum of $20 for a g). 30/60 is my personal favorite, it's a midgrade between commercial and dro, and it's affordable. It's true. But its more called 20/40 , 30/60 , 40/80 60/120.