This is an interesting and informative way to spend 20 minutes - I probably shouldn't have watched this stoned though.
yeah you're about five months late with that DankOne... still a great video to watch though....
aw shiet mayne, guess i should of searched first. I'll delete this thread, but I'll keep it up for a little bit in case some people are interested.
no no no. keep this thread up. It deserves to be posted again I suppose. But all TED talks ought to be watched.
Wow that was some deep stuff man. Was really informative. Could be what life is like when were done and gone. Nirvana. I hate youtube, its full of narcissistic assholes.
Agreed. Youtube blows. I just like it for interviews of music artists and music videos. Thats absolutely it. Everything else and the comments make me wanna put my hand through my monitor and just strangle them! I like Liveleak alot better. Comments are still shitty but are more mature and the videos kick ass.