How it’s look like?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by QueenCoral, Jun 13, 2023.

  1. Hey guys
    The two feminists seed came out of the ground 4.28.23
    1) I feel like it’s taking too slow to grow, is it?
    2) my plants drink like 2liter every 24hours
    the soil so dry and light so I have to, it’s cool?
    3) I’m using 630W (50% of the power)
    Should I go for 75% or 100%?

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  2. FeminIZED seeds? photo's or auto's? Cannabis prefers American temp units. :rolleyes: Put your pedal to the metal on lights, what R U waiting for? Great color! :thumbsup:
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. They are on track for their age. Do not turn the light up yet, that's way more PAR then you need in veg.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. 50 % of 650watts for their size & apparent health, IDK the room size. U don't think they can handle it? OR It will be wasted/not needed? OOPS, UR in a tent, nevermind.
  5. They look good, nice training....but please stop feeding them nitrogen products for a couple weeks.

    good luck!
  6. Look pretty good

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