How is ZOB glass?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by DMH420, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Anyone have experience or any input on ZOB? Looking at a 18" straight tube paired with a 8 arm tree a/c from ALT. Looks like it's pretty nice stuff but just wanting to get some opinions about it. I'll probably end up purchasing it if it passes the grasscity test. How is it compared to HVY glass?
  2. its pretty nice, a buddy of mine owns one and hasnt had anything go wrong with it, and its cheaper than most
  3. Just bought the 14" straight tube and I LOVE it!
  4. they hit good and smooth, what size joint is on the one you are looking at? post the link to it if you can

  5. No I did not buy it from ALT- I got it from a semi local headshop. But I believe it does have the downstem that you posted. It hits smooth and clears super fast which is what I was looking for. Its the perfect size for me. The ONLY thing I dont really like about it is the bowl that comes with it, but that can so easily be changed.
  6. nice, thats a great price for the tube and its an 18mm joint which is good. the only thing i dont like about zob is the angle of their downstems, it calls for a short downstem, but thats personal preference. as for the a/c personaly i would try to find something better for the price that zob is
  7. Zob and HVY are made in the same factory by the same people.

    So basically they are the same quality.
  8. Thanks for your input. I want to go with matching tube and a/c that's why I chose this set up. ALT doesn't have many a/c's that go with the tube. Actually.... wow... I just went to check them out and they took all the ZOB a/c's down and looks like they took a lot others down.... great. Guess I gotta ask them if they'll be getting any more... if not then I gotta go with a different set up.

    thanks for the info
  9. they took down half the stuff I was looking at! DAMN IT!
  10. I'd love a better designed logo on ZOB though, this one looks like one of those '50% OFF!' stickers at the local supermarket.. But then again that's personal and of course it doesn't change the glass or the smoothness of the hit it delivers which I assume would be pretty darn good:hello:!
  11. You have to be quick on ALT, stuff can sell-out within hours.

  12. it depends on what you want. the luke wilson downstem is only available in 18mm/14mm which is dumb in my opinion, and the roor downstem is 18mm/18mm which i personally like a lot better. they are both pretty sick downstems but i would probably go with the luke wilson one instead because its a perc and its only 10 dollars more

  13. i have a 18/18 luke wilson 6 arm they make them.
  14. I have seen lots of Zob work up close at my local hs and they seem to make some pretty quality pieces. I know a guy who has a Zob circ bubbler and he has had nothing but good things to say.
  15. I recently got a Zob 14" beaker bottom from alt. It is all quality, definitely better than HVY as far as I've seen with thickness and stuff. A wonderful daily driver imo. I'm looking into a new downstem and bowl for it though.
  16. thats good, im glad they make them i would only go 18/18 personally, the website he was looking at didn't sell them. how do you like that downstem?

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