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How is Your Memory Doing?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Smooth Criminal, May 15, 2011.

  1. So im interested too see how some of you guy's memory are (not when high).I forget every single shit that had happend every 5 seconds (Unless if it's really really important shit).
  2. when i smoke weed i remember things from the past hour b4 i toked up...its weird because i'll forget about something and after a quick bowl it comes to me. i tend to analyze things when im high, probably has something to do with it.:bongin:
  3. exams are finished, so is my memory
  4. Ya man that happens to me,I think this happens to every stoner.
  5. Listen man ive heard,try to study when high (at least try),and when you get the test you remember shit clearly and easily.Try it sometime.I know a true stoner that does that and gets A's.
  6. My memory has been horrible since I can remember. :smoke:

    Smoking has definitely not helped my short term memory at all. Definitely has gotten worse, but I've also developed ways to remind me of things I need to remember.
  7. its not that easy in professional grad school
  8. What was the question again?
  9. My memory has never been great, even before I started smoking :smoke:

    I've had no real loss of memory, but I do remember some things when I'm stoned that I forgot when I was sober.
  10. ohh I thought in high school or someth'n.:smoke:
  11. I've always had a shitty memory, but strangely, I've been more conscious of it since I started smoking and it's gotten better.
  12. My memory's still fairly good.
  13. Yeah mine is shit
    I forget what day it is, month, even year a few time lol
    I forget where I am and what I was doin lol
  14. #14 Storm Crow, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2011
    My memory is just fine, thank you! Been using for over 40 years. If you will click that first link in my sig, you will be able to observe that the quality of my cognition is still quite good, also- I have read and understood every single one of those articles and studies! (I dare you to just read all the titles!)

  15. #15 GutteralShiva, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2011
    My memory is jacked. It's always been fucked but ever since I used dxm a few nights in a row it's been really fucked.

    And anyone that smokes weed for years and years will have memory problems too, think otherwise? Well you're in denial(or senile, pick one). This plant isn't holier than thou. Just like all drugs, if used excessively there will be negative health effects.
  16. I have a really good memory and it gets slowed a little while I'm high but not too bad unless I'm really blazed, I seem to get dyslexic while high though really badly
  17. my memory is awful ever since i started huffing jet fuel
  18. What am I reading again?
  19. I have to write myself notes or else I'll forget to do important stuff during the day, but I've been doing that long before I started smoking hahaha I just have a hard time remembering tasks for some reason. Everything else I'm great at remembering, especially names and faces.
  20. My memory is fine for the most part. When I'm sober I am pretty scatter-brained but when I'm high it kind of increases it. Like I'll loose my lighter all the fucking time and I'll just loose random shit throughout the sesh.

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