How is my soil mix?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by DaDankSkunk, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. #1 DaDankSkunk, Oct 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2012
    Hey, I just put together this soil mix and wanted get some critiques or something.

    1 part Compost/Manure mixture (1 cu ft)
    1/3 Part Vermiculite
    4 Cups Earth Worm Castings
    1/2 Cup Azomite
    5 Cups Bat Guano
    1/4 cup Kelp Meal
    1/2 cup calcium carbonate
    1/4 cup Great White Myco

    I've never really mixed soil before, I just bought FFOF. I wasn't sure if I added enough vermiculite, how much verm is typically used to air out the soil?
  2. I would suggest that you use another aeration amendment, like perlite, over vermiculite. Unless it's coarse grade vermiculite (big chunks), it's not very good as an aeration amendment. You need some peat moss in that mix my friend. Click the link in my signature for info on an easy organic soil mix. Even though your amendments are different, the base soil ratios will help you out. roughly 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 humus (compost and/or ewc), 1/3 aeration amendment (not vermiculite). Remember too that you want to add 2-3 cups total (2-3 cups of all your nutritional amendments combined) per cubic foot of soil.

    you want 4 cups of your rock dust (azomite) per cubic foot.
    reduce the amount of guano
    bump up the amount of ewc
    bump up amount of kelp meal
    get some peat moss
  3. Yep - ya gonna wanna add some sphagnum peat/ProMix/Sunshine Mix.

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