I've always wondered this. A lot of people (Hippies mostly) genuinely believe it's the Anti-Christ of food additives. But if I remember anything from chemistry class, I know that... Mono (meaning one) Sodium (Salt) Glutam (which means it also has a certain type of sugar molecule) and -ate (which is the number of sugar molecules attached). What's so unsafe about a seasoning that is composed of salt and sugar molecules? There is a Montana made seasoning (Alpine) that has MSG, Salt, Pepper, Onions, and Garlic in it and I use it religiously and don't feel anything negative from consuming it.
First of all, the chemical makeup is irrelevent from a biochemestry standpoint. Its about active sites and bonding and such. Imagine molecules as puzzle pieces. They react better if they fit. This is how cell receptors work One example is infect venom. All life on earth is made of protines that are composed of the same 26 amino acids. Enzymes, muscles, invective venom, are all made of the same building blocks. But how they are arranged will change the molecules shape, and its active sites. Another example is mad cow disease. Its a protien molecule made out of the same.stuff as everything else, but due to its shape it rots your brain out. In the case of msg, many scientific studies have shown its bad. I'm not a biochemist and.I haven't studied the chemical makeup and biological pathways of msg, but you don't need to be a scientist to watch rats get cancer. Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/monosodium-glutamate/AN01251 Quick search got me this "Mainstream science hasn't discovered a difinitive link between adverse health effects and msg" This is irrelevent though as the FDA is owned by Monsanto. The FDA also said aspartame is harmless, but Japan made aspartame illegal. The population and watchdog groups have found msg to cause many problems. Headaches Weight gain Flushing List goes on. The lack of consensus on the subject might suggest that msg is only bad in sensitive people (allergies basically) If you really want.to know if it's bad, get two rat cages and feed them the exact same food, but one you add.msg to. See what happens to the rats. (I'd bet.money the rats eating the msg will have more health.problems) Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
It's not. There is no proof that MSG is bad for you though the flavor-enhancing ingredient got a bad rap in the 80s (probably because of the terrible name). The truth is MSG is basically just a very salty ingredient that food makers add to enhance the flavor of the food. Nothing else. That said, some people claim to have reactions / allergies to MSG, though these reactions are no more likely than with any other type of food or food additive.
http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE74Q5SJ20110527?irpc=932 Interesting read. I think once again what they are finding is that people who dont take care of themselves are unhealthy. No controlled study shows specific reproducable effects from msg. Its only personal accounts (allergies), and vague studies that show people who eat a lot of processed foods (msg) are unhealthy. Of coarse the people eating more msg are unhealthy. Its because the foods containing msg are all junkfood packed with preservatives. Chicken is healthy until you smother it in chemicals and sugar and eat it every day. Conclusion: msg is proven "safe" in moderation like most things. Eat healthy in general and avoid processed junk food and you probly wont need to avoid any specific things Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I don't know about MSG, but aspartame is one of the most well researched food additives in the world and no adverse health effects have been found.
I don't know about MSG, but aspartame is one of the most well researched food additives in the world and no adverse health effects have been found. </blockquote> This is not true. Im one of many that has serious immediet negative side effects to aspartame. It might be a sensitivity. Not everyone will be effected. But your claim is too general. Aspartame gives me migranes, makes me sleepy and very angry. It blurs my vission and i cant focus. And yes ive isolated aspartame as the cause. But im allergic to a lot.of shit Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
It's documented that some people have allergic reactions, but my claim is not general, it's very specific, referring to the conclusions of a large body of research. So while some people may have some adverse reactions to it, it's not threat to the health of the populace at large.
Not as long as its labled. It can be dangerous if a sensitive person doesnt know what hes eating. But yea i agree with you. Havnt founf any real evidence other then sensitivities Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app