how is it that...?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Natural Mystic, Oct 30, 2004.

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  1. bin laden is most likely still alive(a new tape just came out today)? well its actually quite simple... bush.

    how come americans think he\'s a good president?? i have no fucking clue!

    a vote for kerry is better for america.. but we will still see mostly the same thing that happened in the past 4 yrs.
    but bush is gonna win again cause hes in power, and hes going to continue to get his money while americans and the rest of the world suffer from his and the US goverments decisions.
  2. Man, did you just hit the nail on the head with that one. :)

    Its true though, I am not very hopeful that Kerry will win. He\'s been down in polls for weeks or even months now and Bush will probably cheat his way in like he did the last election. Its a shame.
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