Just got a new bong a few days ago. It's clear and has some percs in the middle and makes kind of a z shape but not like most zongs. Anyways it's clear and it gets dirty fairly easily. Would getting an ash catcher keep the bong cleaner. Would I just have to clean the ash catcher or would buying one just give me something else to clean?
It's gonna be another thing to clean for sure. Honestly I've never just left my ash catcher on my piece 24/7 so I can't exactly say but I don't think they do anything magic. Make sure it's a quality A/C though because shitty ones will add a lot of drag or just splash water over.
They keep your water on slightly cleaner. More often than naught the water from the ac gets sucked into the bong anyways, so you still get floaties in the water too. Does add more filtration. So depends on your bong, how it hits etc. The one I had added some drag to my setup, but it was manageable and I liked how it hit. Just more glass to clean, sometimes doesn't balance well, and more likely to break it, like I did.
Thanks people, I probably won't get one. My bong is on the lighter side since it was cheaper so thinking about it, the ash catcher probably would unbalance the bong. I got percs in it too so it hits real smooth with cold water.
Yeah I usually like ash catchers for simple beaker bongs with no percs in it already but if you keep it on your piece all the time it does make a pretty big difference in how clean it stays. I haven't had to clean my bong since I got my ashcatcher almost a month ago, and it's still pretttyyyy fucking clean. It looks as dirty as it would've gotten in 2-3 days without the ashcatcher but then again I haven't been using it quite as much since sometimes I just hit the aschatcher with a j-hook. I'm only now gonna clean the ashcatcher for the first time since I got it and it's still not that dirty at all, if I wanted I could probably go another couple of weeks without cleaning it without it getting too grime, I just rinse it with really hot water every time I replace the water which is every day or so
Some like em I don't. Like you said, it's another thing to clean. It'll keep the water cleaner during your session, but if you want to taste good greenery you'll want to wash the piece before each toking session. The minute I take a single hit from a glass piece....I consider it dirty, it just doesn't taste the same as clean glass. So when I got an ashcatcher, I just ended up with something else to constantly clean. Do get grunge off super soaker....stuff is awesome for cleaning.
I love it my piece. I have a donut perc thats stemless and a 90 degree Grav Lab ashcatcher and it works great.
I second that. I can smoke several large bowls before I see even the most minuscule spec in my piece. And I can go atleast a week before losing the clean glass taste that mogwi411 talks about
If you can get one that doesn't have too bad drag, I think that it's worth it to keep your bong clean. I like them more for aesthetics though
when used properly, yes, they keep your bong/water cleaner than without. by properly I mean used with barely any water in them. Its not supposed to be a perc, just needs to be wet so it can catch the ash. put tons of water in it and no shit you're gonna have spillover.
I mean, I know there are dry ash catchers, which aren't meant to use water, but something with a perc is definitely meant to use the perc.
^ i agree just look at BC's ACs or Toro Circs or Sov ACs. They obviously are meant to work as a perc with filtration not just ash catching.
Thanks. Not to say that there isn't classes of ACs meant to be used without water, because there definitely are, and they work better than water systems, but most ACs are meant as kinda an external perc system. Mine, for instance, used to give my bong a little more drag, but made the clear more enjoyable with the force of the perc inside the small glass walls. (pill bottle style AC).
I know for sure the SYN AC (pillbottle) on my SYN 38mm beaker made one hell of a difference in the cooling of the smoke. I think AC's are a wonderful addition for single perc tubes and can really bring them to life.