how has your weekend gone

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by In My Zone, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. parents arent home for the weekend, got the house to myself. so friday night my boy comes over i drank a half bottle of grey goose, smoked a whole bunch of weed. rolled a perfect L to top off the night.

    wake up saturday morning, wake and bake. drink a little more. friend comes over. we bake a little bit. i drop 1 tab of some really potent lsd. have an absolutely incredible trip. my friend drove me to the woods and we walked outside on the trails while i was peaking.

    go home, recollect myself. have dinner. smoke some more weed. friends come over. we drink a little, smoke a little bit. then all of a sudden we decide to make weed brownies. they had just picked up like an o. they smoke me down on nice blunts the whole night.

    they give me 3 free brownies of dank weed for letting me use my house and stuff. we made it with cannabutter with a dank recipe they look soo good.

    so tomorrow im gonna wake up to brownies and am gonna get really baked before my jets beat the colts and go to the superbowl to complete one of the best weekends of my life :D

    good vibes all around :hello:

    so how has your weekend been going everyone?

    which drugs have you all indulged in on this chilly january weekend? :smoking:

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