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How has marijuana affected you phsyically? (Weight wise)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Bego, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. thats that weed increasing your heart rate. thats your cardio. haha
  2. I know, I'm not complaining haha.
  3. noop, i'm skinny and i munch a disgusting amount...the only thing is that i can't run short distances without getting tired, i can still run long distance though...don't know how that works lol
  4. i used to get the munchies and stuff when i was younger and smoking regs but since i switched to good pot ive lost about 25 lbs bc i stopped getting the munchies... i think i just get too lazy to go get munchies (indica) or else im too busy being active (sativa). ive stayed the exact same (down to the 1/10 of a pound) since i switched to dank.
  5. it hasn't really affected my weight at all. i have a high motabolism so my body maintains low weights so i basically can't gain weight anyway.
  6. I weigh 145lbs with a high matabolism.....I have -1% body fat.

    I smoke weed almost every day and eat about 6 meals a day......I eat a lot of food!

    I love my life.
  7. that's what i'm sayin. i weigh 120lbs now and i eat 6 meals as well. life is real good.
  8. Before I started toking, I was on all sorts of anti-depressants and anti-psychotics which made me gain tons of weight. I was probably 5'8 and about 185 when I started smoking...Now I am 6'0 and weigh barely 135 lbs. Thank you Mary Jane.
  9. I've been a daily smoker for about nine years and my weight has only fluctuated between 125-130. I'm just not a big eater. I do love to cook though and being stoned makes me a more creative cook.
  10. You have more slow twitch muscle fibers :confused:

    Fast and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers
  11. before I weighed 145. then i neared 170 from the munchies and just general lack of concern for my body. I cleaned up my act, and now I'm in the best shape of my life; I'm muscular (not jacked but I'm in great shape) weighing a solid 145.
  12. After a long summer spent smoking, eating ridiculous amounts of shit food, and working under the sun everyday, I somehow lost nine pounds. Which isn't exactly a good thing, considering I have not lost or gained a pound on my skinny frame in three-plus years. Oddly enough, I've gained most of the weight back this past month, while on a T-break.
  13. It's helped me get in shape, I work out more frequently and am sitting at about 170 lbs 6'0 :hello:
  14. i put on a few more pounds recently, but that isnt bad because im a skinny fucker
  15. I used to never eat and was almost underweight for my age. Luckily when I started smoking I began to eat again on a more regulated schedule (when I got high during the day) So now I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner :D:smoking:
  16. ive actually lost about fifty lbs since i began smoking/drinking/experimenting regularly about two years ago. eating tends to kill my buzz and it raises your metabolism to put it off for a lil while. im 5'9 and weighed around 175 but am down to about 125.. smoking cigarettes also decreased my appetite.

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