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How good is the stuff I got?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ozzy42, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Hello everybody. I brought some headies from a kid at my school. I asked for a gram since headies are pretty expensive in the east coast from my personal experience. Anyway the kid I brought from is a pretty chill dude. His mom and dad both smoke weed so I was happy to know that he didn't have those conservative, strict, anti-drug parents. So anyway I go and pick up my weed from him yesterday. I haven't smoked in 3 months because of after school track but now winter track has ended and spring track has begun I have more "personal, recreational time". I have pics of it but I would like your feedback on it. I put a quarter next to it to scale.

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks real nice man. Enjoy it!

    Mind if I ask how much you payed for the G?
  3. I paid 20$ I don't know if I got a good deal.
  4. that looks like a much better deal than the 8th of so called 'dro' I got yesterday lol...enjoy :smoke:
  5. Looks good, similar to the mango kush I got a few weeks back, but yours is darker.
  6. I think you paid a pretty reasonable price, although I don't know how much it sells for in your area. Looks good and doesn't look like you got shorted. Now smoke it.

  7. Normal prices over hear in the east coast for that, decent.
  8. I am so glad my dealer doesn't use that terminology. He doesn't even really advertise a strain name unless its something special. No slapping bullshit names on every flower he sells.
  9. Would you guys recommend I keep buying from this source?
  10. I mean always be on the lookout for a better deal, but I'd buy it. And if you stick with the guy for a while and buy some weight he will probably start hooking you up a bit.

  11. Yeah I known the guy since 9th grade and his gf is in one of my classes so we are pretty chill but I figure he might hook me up better deals later on.
  12. Looks good to me, have fun with it man haha

  13. Yeah, I'd always be on lookout for a better deal, but the only way you will know if the weed you got is good is if you smoke it. If you like it, keep going back to the guy.

    I only recently started picking up, and I've bought twice now. First was the mango kush. I brought that down to my friends apartment, and we had my mango kush, some random mid from one of the guys dealer, and some like 2 month old random weed from cali.

    Needless to say, mine was like an 8/10 while my friends were like 5 and 6/10. I wanted to keep going back to that guy but he's been out.

    I recently got some "Hindu Kush" from a friend, and it is by far the dankest weed I have ever smelled. It's in a pill bottle and if I even open the bottle for a split second, my entire dorm reeks of dank.

    I haven't smoked it yet, but I assume it will be great. I'm going to keep on lookout for good weed at good prices though, and maybe find one to stick with.
  14. Nice and trichy, orange hairs, lush greenery... looks good man. I think theres a hair on the nug in picture 4, but that's ok.
  15. Looks pretty fire. But in the last pic I can see two hairs, might want to pick them out before you smoke :p
  16. I totally agree it drives me nuts...unfortunately I go through this guy because he's not sketchy and is a nice dude...but yeah what he has called 'dro' I wouldn't even call mids..thus I've solving the problem by growing my own Amsterdam lol :hello:
  17. Instead of asking us how good it is, why don't you find out? Seems like actually smoking it would be the best way of determining potency :smoke:

  18. Just took a hit from my pipe a few minutes ago. The only thing that I could utter at that moment was "sheeeeeeit ni66aaaaaaaa". It was pretty good and had a nice warmth to its flavor. I am definetly buying off this kid again. Thanks everybody for your responses. Happy toking:D
  19. You best not be buying at school though (unless it is a college campus). Just make sure grades stay up if you're gonna be smoking bud. You don't want to put it before your future. Regardless, glad you're enjoying your pick up!
  20. Yup, looks good.

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