How far away from harvest am I?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by GregD0925, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Hello I'm a relatively new grower and I'm really close to harvest on my Indica plant. I'm 3 days past week 8 of flower and I've been keeping an eye on my trichomes and I keep second-guessing myself whether to chop them or give them another week. Could someone else help me out? There's a few attached pictures. Thanks again happy smoking

    Attached Files:

  2. If the brown hairs are %70 amd white ones %30 Its done for me.

    SM-N9000Q cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
  3. Wait. Trichromes look clear still, they should be cloudy and amber

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  4. actually its like 50/50 clear cloudy imo. Id wait a minimum of 3 days
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  5. MMePrime, how long until the trichomes start to turn Amber in your opinion if they're cloudy now? I'm going for more of the couch lock effect. It's been a near-perfect grill and I don't want to mess up the effect and the whole crop right at the very end.
  6. M9 Prime. ...sorry
  7. Start checking in 3 days. But im going to say 6-7 a loupe would really help tbh.

    Youll know when shes ambering up

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
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  8. It seems like u need 4 5 days

    SM-N9000Q cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
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  9. I think they will swell up a lot more in the next few days. I agree with 6-7

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  10. Awesome. I figured I'd give it at least another four or five days and check again. I checked just about every day but I just don't want to miss it the peak Harvest Time. Thanks
  11. I have a 5 times multiplier magnifying glass and I can see the trichomes really well with it. But I just second-guess myself and just wanted a second opinion.
  12. Hahah dude im in the same boat i thought of harvesting yesterday but im deciding todays better. Shes thick [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  13. Damn those are some nice looking buds. One thing I notice is your plants are yellowing up. I know that's normal but none of my plans have yellow it up, fan leaves dying off nothing like that. I flushed about a week ago and then 3 days ago I flush one more time. I figured I start seeing fan leaves starting to Yellow up but I haven't.
  14. They don't always yellow. some plants are more efficient at using up nutrients, also some strains use more nitrogen than others. My buds are pretty fat, I wouldnt be surprised if thats why.
  15. Okay. That makes sense. Regardless your plans look badass. Here's a few pictures of mine. I'm hoping in the next week or so before I chop them down they put on a little bit more weight but regardless I'm not complaining.

    Attached Files:

  16. How old is she?

    SM-N9000Q cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
  17. She's about 4 months old. The first three weeks I just use natural lighting on a windowsill. I finally got my 300 watt Mars LED that was on back order. I letter veg out for another month and a week and then put her in flour 8 weeks and three days ago
  18. Wow 4 mounth? Isnt it auto?

    SM-N9000Q cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
  19. Not that I'm aware of. I work at a gas station and some hippies came through that needed some gas money and all they had were some seeds. They told me what kind they were but I don't exactly remember. It looks like some type of kush in my opinion but I'm not really for sure on that to be honest. I got three seeds for 10 bucks and they're all feminized seeds and obviously Indica dominant. Hey use the general hydroponic grow line and flushed with unsulphured molasses. I haven't had a single problem with these plants growing them.
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