???? at the moment they're only small and dont smell but what about when they're 4-6ft tall? they're inside a yard with a 6ft wooden fence if that means anything to you..... and no, i dont know what strain they're... just some random bagseed.... will people smell them from 10 yards away? 20 30 40 50 100 yards away? will the weather have an effect on howfar away you'll be able to smell it from? weather here is usually around 82f-95f and rather humid..... any help appreciated.
Depends...if the winds going slightly east in a circular motion.....20 feet dude fur rillllll buuut if you walk your dog near thre patch of weed the poop will ward away any unsuspecting cops and/or dea agents
My uncle grows, and if the wind is right, I can smell MJ from 125 ft away. Granted, it's out in the country where he doesn't have to worry about it, (and he has his doctor's note), but it's some pungent shit if the wind is coming out of the east and I'm visiting my father.
Yeah, if you're dowwind from 10 plants you potentially could smell it 100 yards away. MJ stinks, no way to mince words about that. And it's a very distinctive odor, nothing else smells like it.
That's why I don't grow outdoors. I have a perfect spot that no one would ever see, but the smell is something else. And you should plan on your neighbors recognizing that odor, better safe than sorry.
Yeah dude someone is going to smell that, wether it be a neighbor or a cop passing by, someone will smell it and know what it is. You cant expect everyone to be cool, I would suggest transplanting to indoors after you sex them so you can seed out the males that way you wont have as many and wont need THAT much lighting for it.
youre probably right....... unfortunately for me hmmm its a small dead end street, fuk all people come down, but yeah, might have to move them...... brb, traing a bear to look for weed for me so true....
Yeah even if it is dead end and small and cops never come through, your neighbors might not be, and once those things get in flowering its gonna be strong, almost un-ignorable to the people right around you.. This really doesnt sound like a prime grow spot for you, you really should look into indoors.
i have a spare room in my house, maybe i should move them into it. will they stink up the whole house though? wouldn't i have to buy intake/exhuast fans?
Indoor requires air ventilation for several reasons, odor control among them. You will need intake and exhaust airflow to/from the grow area, and at least an exhaust fan. You may or may not need an intake fan depending on the exhaust fan and how well you've matched intake and exhaust sizes. Personally I think you should put all your money into an exhaust fan that won't require any intake help. You'll want that exhaust to pass through a carbon filter, you can build one for $15-$40 depending on the size you need, or buy one $100-$300. You also should have a small fan inside the grow space blowing gently on the plants (to simulate wind and strengthen the stems). Basically if you move the plants indoors, even for part of the grow, you really need an indoor grow setup. That means all of the above plus proper lighting, proper temp control, walls lined with mylar or flat bright white paint (no emergency space blankets though), light-traps on the intake and exhaust, wiring, timers, locks -- the whole deal. Compared to outdoor it's a pain and expensive, sure, but for many growers the indoor option is much stealthier than they could pull off outdoors (stealth is a big issue with outdoor grows, and for many it's not even an option). Indoor growing does require you to have your own secure situation (not in parents' house, not with roommates who don't approve, etc) and an investment of time, money and resources. I suggest you do a little reading in the sticky threads at the top of the Indoor Growing forum here at GC...
I've smelled outdoor plants that weren't even flowering from 50 yards....if the only thing keeping you from being found out is that the plants don't smell yet you're in for some serious trouble, if not from the cops then from rippers. best of luck...
thanks for that mate, yeah most of my research has been in the outdoor grow area.... the absolute only thing thats holding me back at the moment is the potential of the neighbours smelling them... no one can see them fully enclosed yard with 6ft fence big intimidating guard dog no parents housemate smokes weed and is more than happy for me to grow plants are free from rippers/animals so yea, smell is the only issue here......
something you can do is maybe construct a box for them out of some plywood and 2x4's. that way you can still have them outside, easy to ventilate, and all you need for power out there is an extension cord and a power strip or two.