How dry should the buds be before curing?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by werdyo, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. It's been 4 days tonight of drying on lines with a small oscilating fan blowing slowly in 35% humidity of complete darkness.

    Some of the smaller buds seem very dry while larger ones are still moist in the middle. Should I just start curing the smaller ones right now or does it matter if they just get more dry while I wait for all of them?
  2. When the outside of the bud has the "popcorn" feel to it and the stem will easily snap. THEN lock them away in glass jars.

  3. the smaller buds are extremely dry so i just cut them off and put them in jars. the stem didn't snap really but more loudly bent. i think it's because the stems are bigger than the buds.

    i'm gonna let the larger buds dry for a few more days and then jar them up. i'm really going by the feel of the buds as far as how dry they are. you can gently feel which ones are still damp.

    it's my first grow. :hello:
  4. you want the outside of the buds to feel realtively DRY, then when they go in the jars the moisture from the middle of the bud will re-moisten the dry parts of the buds again....
    first time i did it i left them in my box for a week. went out and touched them the large buds felt dry ,almost crumbley..thought i wrecked them for sure.........trimmed off stem and put in paper bag for 2-3days then in jars to cure.....that kush was great.....

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  5. thanks, i've got some in jars now. i just checked them out and they are kinda damp feeling. or i guess you could say sticky. is that normal?

    if not, what should i do?
  6. they should feel dry to the touch before going in the jars...
  7. from my personal experience over 7 harvest, dry to the touch when you put them in the jars and then a little sticky and softer when you check them the next day is normal. the middle bud moisture will keep the buds from drying out and getting brittle however you need to make sure and open the jars everyday for at least 15 minutes for a couple weeks. then you can backoff and open them once a week or so.

    the 1st week or two, its also good to dump the buds out of the jar every other day when burping them to get'em apart from each other and get fresh air around them. you dont want mold growing on your buds.


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