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How does weed effect long term memory?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mk9391, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Does anyone know of any studies that prove that it is or isn't negative or positive over long periods of time. The only studies I can find only mention short term memory.
    Help me out here blades.
    Thanks in advance you guys are the best!
  2. It doesn't affect long term memory at all my friend, toke away!
  3. Yup, it doesn't. And now that I've been vamping exclusively I find it doesn't even hurt short term memory much. I study blazed and write my tests sober and remember everything perfectly :smoke:
  4. do u know any studies i can cite tho?
  5. I Cant Remember How It Effects Long Term Memory.
  6. I think it primarily affects short term never heard of it effecting long term.
  7. Can't even remember my name or how old I am.
  8. I can't remember your name or how old you are either:eek:

    Myths and Facts About Marijuana

    Neuroprotective antioxidants from marijuana. [Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000] - PubMed result

    Go to Granny Storm Crow's list for more info:)
  9. Am J Dis Child -- Abstract: Short-term Memory Impairment in Cannabis-Dependent Adolescents, October 1989, Schwartz et al. 143 (10): 1214


    Effects of cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Effects of Cannabis on Memory | Cannabis Information

    There's a lot more. Go to a library or use a search engine maybe?

    Long story short: There is no apparent impairment of long term memory. Short term memory impairment is more pronounced in adolescent (pre age ~20) brains and can last longer. That's why kids shouldn't smoke. No matter how many do well in school despite it, for the most part they aren't doing their brains favors. If I had it to do over again I wouldn't have smoked until I was grown.
  10. Just what I needed thanks sooo much you guys are the best I knew i could rely on you!!!
  11. i just thought of an highdea
    does tolerance make ur memory better? With tolerance ur high wares off more quickly so theoretically wouldn't ur memory be effected less then? tell me what u think is that bullshit or could there be some truth to that:eek:

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