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How does tolerance really work?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nba1, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. I'm 5'4 100lbs and I have to say my tolerance is really messed up. I know people that weigh about 30-40more pounds then me and there tolerance is better then mine.

    But then again I smoke daily and they smoke maybe every other day.

    Can't wait to get off this t-break! Lol
  2. the more you smoke, the less you feel it.
    not because youre a champ, your body is just getting used to being high.

    [ame=]Kid Cudi-I Be High - YouTube[/ame]
  3. So do you mean you're more tolerant to weed or? Cuz generally even smoking every other day will keep your tolerance lower than toking on the daily, so that would explain why your friends are less tolerant to the ganj.
  4. [quote name='"GrungeJunkie"']So do you mean you're more tolerant to weed or? Cuz generally even smoking every other day will keep your tolerance lower than toking on the daily, so that would explain why your friends are less tolerant to the ganj.[/quote]

    I mean my highs don't last as long.
  5. [quote name='"Nba1"']

    Kid cudi is the GOAT just sayin.[/quote]

    He's the Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test?
  6. you get used to the feeling, and it bio accumulates in your fat cells.
  7. [quote name='"Proud2Smoke"']you get used to the feeling, and it bio accumulates in your fat cells.[/quote]

    This makes sense but don't you think someone as light as me should have a higher tolerance?
  8. Tolerance occurs from the cannabinoids receptors being overused in the brain. The more you smoke, the more the annabinoid receptors wear down and it takes more cannabinoids to bind to the receptors. When you take a break the receptors then basically begin to revert to its native form (homeostasis). When you smoke again it'll take less THC to get you high and has more affinity to the receptors.


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