like the person is not fully normal. like hes doing something completly unneccesary for his own mental purpose/reason thoughts and feelings: should stop doing that fucking werid emo mental condition FUCKED cut ur hair thing on the right.. eww wtf
This is going to sound weird, but, when I was a kid, everytime I took a shower I would pretend that my skin was like the guy in the paintings. I would pretend my hand was knife and start to scrape off those things all over my body. Where did you find this picture?
He has OCD about ripping off his arm eggs. EDIT: almost makes me wish I had those on my arms just to pick them off and scrape them
just sat here watching this... trying to think of something confusing is what came to mind finally. FUNKY werid unearthly foreign are those owls?? WTF evolved
how does THIS make you feel? [ame=]YouTube - Pipa pipa - Surinam Toad Babies Emerging[/ame]
oh my god i looked at thse pictures and now im itchy all over my body I feel sick and deranged jsut lookin at that first one. fuckin sick, i wanna just stab him for some reason hes so ugly lookin and disgusting. How come these are so hard to look at it? the first one is the worst im not even sure what the 2nd pic is(anybody?) and the pipe frog is pretty nasty too...why are they like born n emerge from the fishes back?
Pretty repulsive, but I mean...what else is the dude supposed to do when he has weird shit coming out of his arms.